
#Writer’s Ouote Wednesday

Confession time:
I almost repeated Colleen’s quote for today because it resonanted something in me and that is gratitude to the medium of expression. I know I always celebrate writing and putting forth what you believe in as against what another said off-handedly. But today, I realised again and more intensely that my journal, blank book, keyboard, laptop, pen all need to be celebrated too!

To all my media for expression, thank you, I celebrate you!

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I chose an Anne Lamott quote also. For the times I didn’t really understand, yet I kept writing and in the end it made sense to another in such a great way, I’m grateful and I attribute it to GRACE that never leaves us where it found us. May this quote inspire you as a writer to never leave a life the way you met it. If that life is a good one already, add your best to it, leave your touch in that life. I just touched yours by the way. wink

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

By imanikel

...a fresh slate or paper is a delight to behold, it practically beckons to me...begging to be utilized! With eyes that see and appreciate beauty in the midst of a crazy scenery...hands swift to pen what my 'wonder-filled' mind conjures! My name is Frances

11 replies on “#Writer’s Ouote Wednesday”

I was overswept with emotion as I ready your Anne Lamott quote, Frances! She just blows me away! Then, you added the best part at the end… “May this quote inspire you as a writer to never leave a life the way you met it. If that life is a good one already, add your best to it, leave your touch in that life. I just touched yours by the way. wink” Oh, my goodness! I was so moved by your thoughts. I feel exactly the same way. If anything in this life, we must touch others with a goodness they never forget! Happy Wednesday, my friend. You nailed it!!! ❤

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No Colleen, you nailed it! I can feel your raw emotions here and its overwhelming.
Youknow I don’t write on Wednesday, I would mostly do it on a Thursday but she inspired (both of you) me. And this is the first time I’m meeting her.
Thank you and plenty hugs.

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Anne Lamott is amazing, Frances. You must read more of her work. She has knocked me in the face with her words many times! Have a wonderful week. Hugs back to you! ❤

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