Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – From Ebony to Ivory

My friend Ebony wrote me this poem many years back. Then I think we had pulled apart a bit, can’t remember the reason for that friction but it was something that shook us. Being a deep person as she is, I couldn’t fathom how we allowed a 3rd-party spoil our friendship. This was like a reassurance that all was well.

We are far apart now (distance-wise), but our friendship is one you know that will last many oceans and seas. She was around recently (though briefly), but it felt like we never parted. To all those out there that maintain friendship regardless of years past/distance creation, this is for you!

Hello Ivory,
How have you been?
How have you really been?
Just using this medium to express the position of my heart
It’s been so long since we bonded
And it’s beginning to look like the bands are destroyed
But that devil is a liar
I miss you so much that even words cannot express
You know sometimes I lay back and I ask myself what ever happened to us
What ever happened to our cords that cannot be broken?
What happened to our hearts being open?
What happened to our going out of our way?
To make sure the other is okay
Or maybe just doing things for the fun of it
And creating memories so we can flashback as we sit
I want you to know that you are one of my priceless jewels
You are the one I call ‘Pearl’
Because you are lustrous and greatly prized for that
You are usually white and people are attracted to that fact
You are very rare and very precious
Your fragrance is like Jasmine
Warm and very temperate
Produced with white flowers
You are like an antique in my museum
You are a souvenir on my shelf
And you are the fair part of myself
You know that we can’t be separated
I’m the chocolate and you are the ice-cream
I’m poured all over you
And there’s nothing you can do
That’s why you are IVORY
You are delicate
And your milky color depicts your softness
I’ve always known that you were tender
How could I have treated you with such stiffness, I ponder
But then I remember
That I am Ebony
And my blackness stands for hardness
That’s why our blend is perfect
And whichever way
Two can play
When you are so sensitive and vulnerable
My hardness creates a balance
And when I’m so stiff and stubborn
Your tenderness and softness fulfills that instance
Sometimes we exchange our roles
And we always come out with a spark
Not “Gordon spark”
The reality I have for you
Is one that can’t be tarnished or finished
It flows from the depths of “forever”
And it will spun the whole world until it finds its rest in you
All I’m trying to say is that you mean a lot to me
And just like the sky
You are a constant in my life
People may come and go
But you will always stay
You might stray
But I know you’ll bring back a lot of pay
Because no one is graced to take that place
And run that race
It is a fierce and rocky journey
And I need you to keep up the pace
You are like an ink stain
On a white piece of cloth, very conspicuous
I could keep on
But whatever my heart says is summed up in these four sweet words

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

By imanikel

...a fresh slate or paper is a delight to behold, it practically beckons to me...begging to be utilized! With eyes that see and appreciate beauty in the midst of a crazy scenery...hands swift to pen what my 'wonder-filled' mind conjures! My name is Frances

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