Challenge Haiku

When nature breathes

Colleen will be super thrilled about these words… I tried painting a forest with fairies, but the magic is in the waterfalls. Thank you Ronovan.


Glowing upon thee

The illusion beckons me

Come and be set free

Magic of the gods

Of celestial beings

Toying with lives and loving

Sparks, deceive the simple

Picture Sources:

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All right reserved



By imanikel

...a fresh slate or paper is a delight to behold, it practically beckons to me...begging to be utilized! With eyes that see and appreciate beauty in the midst of a crazy scenery...hands swift to pen what my 'wonder-filled' mind conjures! My name is Frances

8 replies on “When nature breathes”

You know I love this stuff! Your images and words are just perfect! Did you ever think you would be writing fairy inspired haiku? Love these! ❤

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