Challenge Poems


Weighing the pros and cons that come with decisions.

How do I resist the word, stay?
Turn back on a call to remain,
I weighed it, there seems to be gain
But will it suffice my day’s pay?
Surely, there’s more to life, today
Digging, I searched beyond the seen
Moved fast across places I’ve been!
It’s not just the word, but desire
That keeps me burning this fire!
…and fruits of obedience glean

As if he senses my weariness in maintaining my routine, Ronovan says STAY, that’s the topic for this week’s Decima Challenge

@imanikel 12082020 Frances Kelvin Otung

By imanikel

...a fresh slate or paper is a delight to behold, it practically beckons to me...begging to be utilized! With eyes that see and appreciate beauty in the midst of a crazy scenery...hands swift to pen what my 'wonder-filled' mind conjures! My name is Frances

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