Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – In my world

There are days you pray, wish, dream, try to create your world to have a certain outlook and it’s just DULL! What do you do?

Today isn’t one of those days for me though πŸ™‚ Yippee! Perhaps, that was your story. You can do what I do when I’m faced with that, go into that special place you keep happy moments and stuffs that make you break out in a smile and just pitch a tent there till you are truly saturated. That was the inspiration behind this piece.

I truly hope your evening is so much magical! Enjoy!


(c) 2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Challenge Change WQWWC

#WQWWC – Unity

It seems that the Universe always connives (positively) to celebrate with me personally. What better time to talk about Unity than now?

Two days ago we had the movie premiere for 93 Days at The Rock Cathedral. A gripping story of sacrifice, fight and victory against the spread of Ebola in Nigeria and it was tagged #Collaboration.

This week’s #WQWWC is on Unity and so I will try to capture the collaborative efforts in my poem. Let me know what you think about it.


Β©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



Celebrating my 3rd year

So I turned 3 today on WordPress.

I’m wondering like I always wonder on my birthdays, “what’s there to celebrate about?” But then, my other being which is always finding something in the midst of nothing begins to count and remind me all I should be grateful for.

I have made virtual friends and real ones. I believe I have touched lives positively, made a few laugh, some ponder and possibly retrace their steps (I hope). I have shared King-Earl’s ‘business’ here and his drawings, Imani’s too. My love for God, Oba, family andΒ pictures is difficult to hide. I have tried to keep up with inspiration from my President FK, Colleen, Pst Wally and his memes LOL…you are in there somewhere too and you know it!

So this is me saying to you, thank you for always being on the other end of the line and for your responses. Thank you for the followership and faithfully reading even when I don’t make sense. Thank you my ‘Silent readers’ that never make a comment, yet complain to me when they meet me asking ‘Why I haven’t written lately’?.

It is because of people like you that the fun doesn’t stop! For these and more, I’m grateful and thank you ❀

Β©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved