Life People I've met Rant Relationships


Have you ever met someone or a group of persons who delight in talking down others even when it is clearly ill-advised? If you have, it’s time to get rid of that baggage… naaah, ‘rubbish’!

It’s been a long time coming, but I kept postponing it, praying that you would pick up the cue and desist from thrusting my heart with your harsh words. Yet, your egotistic self, which hides a complex by the way and must be assuaged, continues. I felt like a prey, which must be hunted and subjected to verbal torture and systematic tearing down.

E do!
I no gree again!

Hence, I’m reassigning you and the likes of you lot to another compartment. My late mentor, Ubong King, taught me in one of his classes to compartmentalise and don’t get too excited or cocky about it. You are a step away out of the entire cycle.

If I put you in the ‘avoid’ category, it’s not healthy for me either. Nah another level this year, and I’m not dragging rubbish along with me. We have the waste management system to handle that. In other words, shape up or hit the road, Jack!

When will people learn speech boundaries and open their mouth up in wisdom. The good Book says, “Even a fool who is silent is thought to be wise” (My paraphrase) – Proverbs17:28. So, shut up sometimes. Silence is not only golden. It is priceless!

NB: There’s a time to SHOUT o… and I mean it. I’m not referring to those circumstances here.

I choose Joy!

I Am IMAN – I Manifest Adonai’s Nature

@imanikel 09022024 Frances Kelvin Otung (c)

By imanikel

...a fresh slate or paper is a delight to behold, it practically beckons to me...begging to be utilized! With eyes that see and appreciate beauty in the midst of a crazy scenery...hands swift to pen what my 'wonder-filled' mind conjures! My name is Frances

2 replies on “Reassignment”

Trying to understand those that stick around is good. But as far as good mental wellbeing is concerned, the toxins have to go. Enough with the toxicity.

I can also try the silence stance and be in a happy place for as long as I find peace. Hmmm.

There are times you expect both sides from anyone but still get shocked when it happens, I guess it’s human nature.


So for the longest I’ve placed people on the avoid shape, and see human in general would do annoying stuffs, some intentional, others not. It wasn’t really a good place because I had that defense.

This year is different as I’ve chosen to let everyone slip away, it’s okay. And if you do get to stick around, perhaps we can work on understanding each other.

I wouldn’t get upset if you do otherwise, even as a friend honestly. I’ve intentionally decided not to let anything shock or annoy me, also, expect the good and worse from everyone.

So far, it’s working.

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