The Word

#MotivationalMondays – Preparation

Last week, I read from one of my pastor’s page and these words jumped at me “Preparation is an act of Faith!” As I pondered over these words, I realized that nothing could be truer than that.
How do you mean? You ask…
Yes, the driving force behind your action or inaction shows how ready you are for the many opportunities that abound. Getting ready by honing your not-so-good abilities, shows that you believe that there is better ahead of you, there’s a canvas in front of you waiting for you to splash on the colors and release a masterpiece which the world has never seen before. You have an idea about what drives you and what aspect of you/creativity you want to share with the world, there’s someone that has gone down that path before. Make use of available information and add a bit of you in it and that’s the difference the world has been waiting for.
Though the ingredients abound, without preparation, the soup or sauce is nowhere ready for eating. Let’s get to work then!
©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved
The Word Tuesday Thoughts

#TuesdayThoughts – Repentance


©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


A bit of Lagos beauty

On a night out with the King…


©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays Poems

#LyricalMonday – Behind the Smiles

It is that ‘smile’ that covers like a mask, hiding the true intent. The one that sucks you in, making you comfortable …until, the prick! Sleeping Beauty can easily identify with this.


©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Project Laughter Relationships

I just got married again!

King-Earl walks in on us (Oba & I) in the kitchen discussing and working. He goes, “are you guys dating?” We looked at each other, smiled and I proceeded to tell Oba about someone in school that wanted to date me and I asked the fellow what dating was, since he was my friend already. He couldn’t really give me an answer then. I suspected he meant ‘intimacy’, so, I turned him down. I concluded this story by saying, “I still don’t understand what dating is”.

All this while, King-Earl was still in the kitchen with us, so he replies “Dating, is taking someone out to a special place that is really, really awesome!” We were awestruck by his definition, but that was the beginning of this drama.King Earl

King-Earl: Mom! Do you take this man as your Royal husband? I curtseyed and replied “yes, I do, your Highness!”
He then turns to Oba, “Dad! Do you take this woman as your normal wife…” At this point, I interjected and said, “I’m not normal, I’m supernatural.”
King-Earl continues…Do you take this woman as your lovely wife?”
Oba: Yes, I do.
Me: So, what next?
King-Earl: Let’s go to the kissing part
We kissed lightly and laughed at the “go to the kissing part.” Imani walks in, wanting to know the reason for the laughter, we tell her, she shakes her head and walks away. King-Earl continues, “but that’s what the pastor does! I know the rules” running away to his room.

Freedom Fridays My Paraphrase The Word

#FreedomFriday ~ Poolside Musings

Last week I was thinking about the man at the poolside in John 5:2-9 and I thought to myself…yes, this is the situation I’ve found myself and I can’t help me, but how do I maximize this lame-going-nowhere opportunity for the greater good? These are what I came up with, I’m sure there’s more!

1) Begin a talk-show at the poolside, with the families that have come and gone, have them tell the world about their stories (human interest angle) – Reporter.
2) Sell affordable, on-the-go necessary stuffs for people whilst they wait for the stirring of the water – Entrepreneur
3) Chronicle exceptional cases and healing, mine is one by the way – Writer
4) Cultivate and improve my communication/motivational skill – Motivational speaker
5) Arrange a pick-up/drop-off for who is willing – Uber services
6) Preach Jesus as the Way to receiving healing, rather than waiting for the angel because I got mine that way – Minister

What opportunities have you allowed slipped by you because you felt incapacitated? Behold and grab them.


©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Articles Daily Prompt

Overworked? Take another look

Being overworked comes in various form and often connotes tiredness…perhaps, in between are fun times .


©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Project Laughter Relationships


“How old are you, Mummy?”

Pretending not to hear, I ignored his question.

“Mum!” I said, “How old are you?”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you.”

“But Daddy told me his age”, he informs me

“And you told everyone in your class” his sister interjected.

“I won’t tell anyone”, he defended himself, giving her the eye.

Years from now, will he remember this conversation? Maybe not. Will my age matter to him? I think so, because he told me, “I don’t want you to grow old”. So the idea is he will keep growing to meet up with me and make Ofe his girlfriend (she used to be in his class/school), but I’m banned from getting old.

Someone or something he saw must have told him that when people grow old, they die. Sadly, these days it is not so. I don’t want to fill his head with the intrigues and business of death, so I’ll enjoy every today and tomorrow we have.

“No, I won’t tell you my age, it’s safer that way.” The conversation ended.

©2017. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved