Challenge Poems

Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge – Romance

Colleen and Ronovan started a new challenge and you know me, I’m up for a challenge any day especially when it comes to poetry. By the way I just wrote this! Thank you both of you for the motivation to write again!


A Blend of Two Worlds

From one sphere to another I roamed
Seeking one whose complexity I could easily tow
They came, saw, pretended and fled becoming dumb
Say something! Speak your heart’s thought, let it drum
Let the desires form images of songs to which I can dance
I owe no one but me to let loose and do the prance
The chains of conformity have long held me in deformity
Today, tonight, I break free and become one in uniformity
Perhaps it will last a life time that I cannot tell
But when I look back, I desire to have a worthy tale!

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Picture Source:


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

Like a Maya Angelou, I love a Max Lucado anyday. I will never forget the day I gifted one of my Max to someone for his birthday and he went “It’s a Max!” and I could swear I heard “You gave me a ferrari!” That was the kind of joy he showed. It was priceless! ❤

So when you read quotes like this, you can easily understand the excitement aboWriter's Quote Wednesday_020316ut a Max book. I read one many years back and I still marvel at how his mind works but then you can’t blame him, he’s got the mind of Christ.


For today, I just wanted you to be reminded of the little and timeless pleasures life sometimes offers us and just so you know, you’ve got Someone that truly cares for you to thank for that…God deserves the praise!

I know Colleen loves the magical, I just wanted her to look up too and enjoy every experience it offered her. I hope I succeeded!

Picture source:

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

I love a Maya Angelou any day.

I’m sure I’ve seen this quote countless times but today I’m using it again to remind myself that I need to be careful how I say what I say on paper and otherwise, since people will always remember how I made them feel.

My intentions are not to make you feel good always, No! Sorry, if you expected that. As sometimes, you will need a wake-up call to change direction and that might hurt 😦

They are not to make you sad all through either, but to give you LIFE and you know Life is a mix of all things bright, beautiful, sad, lone and happy…the good, the bad and ugly like they say. Or LIFE according to the Bible, but whatever it is you choose, I want you to enjoy every remembrance you have of me that I met you and left you better.

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That, Colleen, is the onerous work on every writer to give every reader something to stop and think about before taking the next step.

Picture Source:

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Ouote Wednesday

Confession time:
I almost repeated Colleen’s quote for today because it resonanted something in me and that is gratitude to the medium of expression. I know I always celebrate writing and putting forth what you believe in as against what another said off-handedly. But today, I realised again and more intensely that my journal, blank book, keyboard, laptop, pen all need to be celebrated too!

To all my media for expression, thank you, I celebrate you!

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I chose an Anne Lamott quote also. For the times I didn’t really understand, yet I kept writing and in the end it made sense to another in such a great way, I’m grateful and I attribute it to GRACE that never leaves us where it found us. May this quote inspire you as a writer to never leave a life the way you met it. If that life is a good one already, add your best to it, leave your touch in that life. I just touched yours by the way. wink

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday

It’s no lie, I have missed Colleen and her team of inspiring writers. Wow! But guess what!? I’m back.

What’s the driving force behind a man chasing hard after a girl even when she initially said no to him? I think it’s a belief in what he feels and so desperately wants to share with her, which keeps him wondering why she can’t feel it too.

For writers, it is important to BELIEVE in whatever it is you are writing about. If you don’t, even an untrained eye can tell you are a phony. Belief in your passion is like the baby at the edge of breaking through her mother’s matrix, you can’t stop that motion. It is like sweat oozing out of every pore when the room is hot…yes, we wipe it, but it keeps coming out until you do something about the situation.

Writing has gone beyond just spreading words on blank surfaces and re-arranging them for visual pleasure to real experiences; one where your readers are practically transported into that realm with you. Such is the power of words. Little wonder God made good use of His in creation.

I try (and I think I’m getting good at it) to share what I believe in through every prose, poetry, picture I share. Whether I succeed in giving you that experience as I felt it, I won’t know until you tell me. Till then, I’ll keep sharing my beliefs and today the Bible says my heart. Enjoy and get inspired.

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

I’m not sure I’m at my best this period as I’m trying to recover and regain my passion for keeping up the pace. So you could comfortably say I also need a bit of inspiration today. But however I achieve that, I must drop something for others, so they can be guided.

Colleen, don’t be too kind and I know you won’t be harsh either in your assessment.

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

Colleen is back and I’m glad. I missed her but not so much because you could feel her touch oozing through Ronovan’s pore with his own dexterity. Great team I must say!

Well I read her #WQW for this week and I smiled because it was simple and straight to the point and I totally loved it. A great quote, I felt like I wrote it as Yescheilyah Ysrayl told the truth about the intricacies of writing.

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I thought of using someone’s quote yesterday but decided to write mine and here’s my thought on this one. Rather than act without giving thoughts to what you want to do, my call is to thoroughly think it through (back and forth if you must, run it by some trusted brains – this doesn’t mean you have to accept their suggestions though) and then take a stand. If we do this often, we won’t open our mouths in foolishness, let our anger escape seamlessly and remain imprinted in someone’s memory making our remembrance in their heart a pain. All I’m saying dear writer…put yourself in their shoes, walk around a bit, come back return it to them and walk in yours, then let it all out (filtered sometimes and I’m smiling cos I need to do this too).

I wonder what Colleen has to say about this today?

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

Writer's Quote Wednesday_191115 I’m thinking aloud, so loud that you can hear my thoughts and I’m asking you…are your feet BEAUTIFUL?


The finest ever!

Dainty…pristine like that of a princess.

And I ask the next question, do preach PEACE?! Can someone, anyone point at you and say that’s a PEACEMAKER. In a world going bonkers with everyone wanting to be heard whether what they say is okay for all (to a great extent) or a select few. Do you seek peace?

And I’m also wondering how many beautiful-footed writers we have; those who delight in peace? Well, I was hoping not to say much today, but to get you to think whilst you do what you do best.

As you have a re-think and probably refocus how you preach what you preach, Colleen and friends have something they want to share with you and it’s all at the #WQW

(c) 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

Tuesday Thoughts_121115 I have a friend who is a fanatic for CHANGE and I totally support her. Anything that hinders peace, equality, justice etc. she fights – not with arms and ammunitions but with words and facts. I’m also surrounded by a Pastor who is a TRANSFORMER…believes in transforming lives, making impacts and investing in minds, motivating us to engage the system, question it and place demands on what we expect. Be the change we seek whilst waiting for government (if we so desire). Pastor Paul teaches us to be active while ‘waiting’ and make a difference!

It is on this note I daily write about life, love and laughter. Is life all beautiful, sunny and full of rhythm and blues? No! It has dull, dark days that rains made so and sometimes, it’s Soul and Jazz that rends the air. Regardless of what life offers, I will continually make my sphere beautiful and full of humour…probably why I said yes to a King that makes me laugh at every turn (and annoys me in the same vein tongue out).

Like Bob, if those bent on destroying the world aren’t tired, why should I? Last week was fun with Ronovan and we almost didn’t miss Colleen, but you need to visit #WQW to find out what I’m talking about. By the way Colleen you made a good choice, Ronovan knows what is doing.

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’s Quote Wednesday on a Thursday

Writer's Quote Wednesday_041115Listening to Dr. Cindy Trimm preach the word titled “How big is your Faith?” She made this comment “We understand from a quote ‘that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world’. But what happens when the hand is broken? What happens to the world?” and it set me thinking about how we can easily take care-givers for granted and also our seed.

I will deal with the issue of the HAND. Back in school, we were taught that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ and I liked the power having a pen would give me. Over the years, it has moved from pen to typing on the keyboard, but one thing was constant and that is projecting on paper what I want to see in reality. I do not have rose-colored glasses on, but I simply love life and believe in God and in the creative-abilities He has given to each of us. However you choose to utilise yours is up to you! I have friends who engage their creativity towards bringing about CHANGE, check one here; others use beauty to make you want to stay alive via their pictures!

Like Dr. Trimm says in her quote and I add, its up to you to maximize every potential in that seed that is in your care. Listening to her as she concludes, “If you don’t want to see it in your future, don’t talk about it now.” I’m not sure how I’ve inspired you today, but I’m sure you will find more at Colleen’s treatment room and others like you there #WQW

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved