Project Laughter

Well, like I said, I love writing and whatever I find interesting, I write about.

Right now, inbetween work, Blogging and being a GF to my King and a mummy, I find time to write about my HERITAGE (children), their escapades and receive stories from other mothers.

This page deals with things I have written about them for some years now. I plan to publish them some day soon. If just to take one more sadness line off someone’s face even if for a second…I would have achieved a lot.

Welcome to Project Laughter!


5 replies on “Project Laughter”

I love your writing style, being down to earth and your creativity. This depicts that you are really born for this. Keep it up Sis. So proud of you.

Liked by 1 person

Hello dearie, I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to reply earlier. When I read it onmy phone, I was full of smiles. You know me and my passion. Thank you for your grascious comment. Hugs.


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