Articles Birthdays Life Relationships

Remembering Uncle Sam ❤️

“Remember” is not the word you use for someone unforgettable! You simply don’t go a day without reminiscing over something they did or said and even when you do, your life by default responds to what they would have said given the situation you find yourself.

Uncle Sam is present! He is not just present by being here through the legacy he built in lives and communities, for Kingdom and humanity, he is a PRESENT, a gift that we will always be thankful to God for.

When you passed on last year, I couldn’t bring myself to cry, I still haven’t. I went into shock because we had plans about uniting the family, rebuilding broken down altars and changing the few negative narratives around our families for good. Sometimes, when I think about our several conversations from my teenager years – how you encouraged me to speak up, how we would negotiate my ‘punishment’ because I dropped the ball concerning something you had said not to do…I smile. I’m always in your defence, telling all who cared to listen, that you are not a difficult person to live with as long as they obeyed your instructions. But they don’t believe me and truly never did stay long with you, but I did and our friendship (despite the age gap) grew till you passed on.

Being a voracious reader with no TV to watch back then (because you didn’t want one contaminating my values), I remember the look of disappointment on your face when you ‘caught’ me reading a James Hardley Chase! If anyone knows a “Chase” book, you would recall that the cover would definitely be that of a semi-clad woman. But like I told you in my defence, that it was a thriller and had no sexual thingy in it..and boy, I love thrillers! You still felt, the pictures were suggestive and would pollute the mind. You bi Deeperlife Pastor, what did I expect?! I particularly didn’t like the pictures either, but I needed to read the stories. So I resorted to taking off the back…or covering them with used calendar to avoid-stories-that-touch. I think eventually I stopped reading them whilst with you so I don’t feel guilty.

One of our favourite pastime were our conversations! You would ask me what I did during the day after school, write about my holiday when I returned from Port-Harcourt (it was in one of my “How I spent my holiday” that you learnt what I had been up to as I would give details) poor child, what did I know. I was just being myself, saying it the way it is. But these are the values I learnt from you, speaking the truth at all times and with boldness. Our conversations even after I had gotten married, was one that Oba couldn’t interrupt. LOL. He had his own special time with you.

I remember on one of your visits to see Daddy, you said to me, “you guys are still ‘disturbing’ popsie” and I responded, “you know your brother, he doesn’t know when to stop because as far as he is concerned, we will always be his children”. You continued that he still treats you guys as little brothers too even after marriage and children (and I wasn’t even married then) and we laughed conspiratorially because that’s Daddy for you.

Your commission to Ini and I to gather information and write about the family was never done. Will we do it? I don’t know, but one thing I do know is, I will keep sharing your values, the Word, listening to your VNs and reading the few chats I have left of you and remembering the Uncle who became a 2nd father to me.

Happy posthumous 70th birthday to you Uncle Sam, I miss you so much!

@imanikel 02032023 (c) Frances Kelvin Otung

I Manifest Adonai’s Nature


Celebrating my 3rd year

So I turned 3 today on WordPress.

I’m wondering like I always wonder on my birthdays, “what’s there to celebrate about?” But then, my other being which is always finding something in the midst of nothing begins to count and remind me all I should be grateful for.

I have made virtual friends and real ones. I believe I have touched lives positively, made a few laugh, some ponder and possibly retrace their steps (I hope). I have shared King-Earl’s ‘business’ here and his drawings, Imani’s too. My love for God, Oba, family and pictures is difficult to hide. I have tried to keep up with inspiration from my President FK, Colleen, Pst Wally and his memes LOL…you are in there somewhere too and you know it!

So this is me saying to you, thank you for always being on the other end of the line and for your responses. Thank you for the followership and faithfully reading even when I don’t make sense. Thank you my ‘Silent readers’ that never make a comment, yet complain to me when they meet me asking ‘Why I haven’t written lately’?.

It is because of people like you that the fun doesn’t stop! For these and more, I’m grateful and thank you ❤

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Birthdays Relationships

Celebrating Oba

I’m given to words easily (I’m a writer remember), words that I mean from my heart. The challenge therefore is when I lack words to describe what my heart feels, to paint the colors, design the picture, craft and create the atmosphere, so that all that read or pass by may experience what I felt, I’m feeling and will continue to feel as long as it is shared with one who knows the rhythm of my beat.

Does our beat always sync with the lyrics, flow with the beauty of petals wet with the morning dew or become like the smoothness of the covering dusk allowing stars shine through regardless of twilight? Does the storm say “I’ll just overlook these ones, they are too much in union and I can’t afford to disrupt that? No, my love.

Happy Birthday babes…
Today, I celebrate you for the gift that you are to me (no one needs to understand), what we share and the life that God daily loads you with. I celebrate the you that is yet-to-be-seen but I’ve experienced, I pray that this new year will bring you fulfillment in so many ways. May wisdom lighten your path and may the creativity that burns in you be expressed without inhibition. In all, may the One who loves us so, take the glory. I yob ❤ you and you know I’m truly nuts about every bit….

Celebrating Oba_300816

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Birthdays Letters Relationships

And 5 came calling….

Again, he added another year and we were apart, like last year’s. I made online presence with him, made sure he had fun…you could tell he was super excited about being 5! Maybe, he’s already counting all the responsibilities or wishing that he’d meet up with his sister. I haven’t asked yet and might just let that slip. He woke up in a mood to draw, I’m yet to see what he drew to celebrate this milestone, but the steady gaze in his eyes as he played said one thing, ‘my baby is growing up’.

From wanting his hair to be AFRO like his dad (which was cut off on his birthday), to doing the break-dance and other moves, whilst making sure I watch every one he makes, as he jumps up and down the sitting room; whispering comforting words to my ears “the sky is your limit, mummy” and contesting with Oba for his babe…he calls me ‘Babes and sweetheart’ to keeping an eye on Mmeme’s baby. We went visiting and he positioned himself beside Mmeme and the baby, reason being I want to keep an eye on her!. You are such a joy to have around!

I’m looking forward to receiving them back shortly. But until then, I celebrate King-Earl Ethan Emmanuel and I’m grateful that God chose us to be the bearer of such gift. Need I say more, I yob you my baby and like you always say in codes “so much, so much”.

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


My Prof is 2!

King-Earl calls him “My mummy’s Prof”, His birth name is Eno-Itoro (meaning Gift of Praise) and so many other names. A miracle baby born in the midst of so many unseen battles, but he pulled through and came out smiling.
He showed up on April 1st
The fool’s day they call it
But the joke is on you
Cause a wise man came through
Bringing joy and beauty to all he meets
His laugh is so contagious
You forget about being religious!
He loves water, food is not spared
When it comes to daddy and cars, he just has to be heard!
Eno-Itoro, today we celebrate another year
It feels like you are 3 my dear
As you behave like one wiser beyond his age
For me, it is befitting for unwritten pages!

May all who see you grow be amazed
May the joy that comes natural to you affect them all
May you remain a gift for which praises will ascend
Daily to God for His goodness to your family and all
Happy 2nd birthday my Prof
In you I see God’s love proven

And even when you don’t give me fist bump anymore, I yob you so!

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Birthdays Life People I've met

Celebrating Pastor Paul

IMG-20160126-WA001He has been called many names and Pastor

And because he speaks mighty well, an Orator

Listening to him, you can’t be satisfied with status quo

That results in time-wasting and unnecessary fiasco

It would seem his waking moments beckon with much action

Trying to capture it, he Calls for a Performing Generation

One known to have fought many battles to be here

Constantly says Something is About To Happen, don’t fear!


Yesterday, the accolades poured and I wondered

Should such a one be celebrated but once I pondered.

Today, I acknowledge him as one who bares himself

As he works the call upon his life, taking others from the shelf

I dwell in awe of one who truly loves his Asaba-Ijebu Princess

And misses no opportunity to let us know this essence.

As we appreciate you again soon,

May you hold the words we say (though not often), as true.

For indeed… you have not just been a Mentor, Life-Coach, Father

But also a Prophet, Priest, Leader, Transformer and we seek no other!

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



Birthdays Rant

Did you know?

Did you know?!

That the best minds are born in November (no apologies to the months…you know I love you guys ❤ )

That 8th was my birthday and I was too busy to celebrate, however I am thankful for all the WONDER-FILLED gifts I got…not your usual gifts – God did it!

That it is in November-borns to love without hesitation and deeply too and when they walk…it is truly very far! No further comments on that one.

That it seems a common trend for November people to be good at showing how much they care for another using the Love language that is unique to each?!

That I share the same month with my dad, cousins, niece and nephew and lots of friends.

So, this is me today in the mood for The Experience 10 happening live at TBS, Onikan on Friday, 4th December @41 + 9 days grateful, 7 + 4 + King thankful.


And to all my beautiful people born in November…
I sometimes may find it hard to remember
To celebrate you and what you represent
May God continue to set you apart for greatness and no descent,
May He light up your every dark and unsure paths
Leading you through unique and blessed tracks
May the uniqueness that sets us apart
Keep you from constant bleeding hearts
For one who loves and loves deeply
I know that’s a long shot to keep keenly
To more fulfilling years ahead
As new lives we touch and add to our herd

What do you know that you would like to share?

(c) 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.



Last year he had 10 names, given to him officially at birth but I call him 3 at once (King-Earl Ethan Emmanuel) if I need to get his attention. King-Earl is 4 years today. Yippee!!!IMG_5925

How did the year go? It was event-full. For one, he started school for the very first in his life mid-term, yet he got two prizes – the Most Improved and 3rd position in his class. So imagine if he had started before then, he would have won the Pulitzer Prize for brilliance! I celebrate you today, because regardless of when you started, you proved to be a King that knows how to reign in his domain. And a King he truly is!

I’m sure you are wondering who is IGWE? And how did the name come about. I’m not sure myself, but all I know is that King-Earl returned from school one day and when I referred to him as ‘Chairman’, he quickly corrected me, “call me Igwe” he said. IGWE means King in Igbo, but we are Ibibios and he should have been called OBONG, but that is his father’s name and my thoughts are these:

• King-Earl already knows his place in dominion, not contesting kingship with his dad. So when we get to call ‘King’, he doesn’t answer, and neither does he answer if you say ‘Earl’ alone, except you add King. He will promptly inform you, “my name is not Earl, my name is King-Earl”
• He is expanding his territory to other regions
• He enjoys the vibes the fanfare and drama of being called IGWE brings. As whenever his colleagues see him, they hail Igwe!!! Early in the morning, as the bus picks him up and he puts his first leg on the bus, shouts of Igwe! Igwe!! rends the air and he walks majestically to his seat.

A few episodes worthy of note:
• He wanted to use his dad’s phone to play games and his sister Imani was with it, he cried-pretended seriously until she gave it to him. When our friend (Uncle Dele) asked him why he was crying “I just had to get it.” he replied. He knows he is the last born (for now) and so it’s easy to ask Imani to leave whatever it is for him.

• He was with my phone, when a call came through and I was busy somewhere. His dad meets up with him and he goes, “Daddy, someone called your wife” (with every amount of seriousness to the gist). And King enquired inquisitively, “who?” The profound reply he got was “You”.

• King Earl: Are you a girl?
Imani: (wondering where this is line of questioning is headed) Yes
King Earl: Am I a boy?
Imani: Yes
King Earl: No I’m not a boy, I’m a son!
Imani: Okay, you are a son.
King Earl: No! I’m not a son, I’m a Moon
Imani: (Looking at him incredulously) But you can’t be a Moon, nah.
King Earl: I don’t want to be a Son again, I’m a Moon.

• I called him this morning to sing the “Happy Birthday” song for him and in his usual way, after the initial “how are you,” from me and the “I’m fine” response from him, he goes, “give the phone to Imani.” I tried persuading him to answer my call, and he obliged.
Me: Who’s birthday is it today?
King Earl: Mine
Me: So you don’t want me to sing Happy birthday to you?
King Earl: ♫Happy Birthday to you (2x)♫
(I stop him and proceed to sing it for him and as I ended, I heard “Hip, hip, hip hurray!” Apparently, someone had put it on speaker.)
Me: How old are you?
King Earl: 3 years
Me: No! You are 4!
King Earl: I’m 3!
Me: But you were 3 the last time.
King Earl: Okay, Okay! (And you go) give the phone to Aunty Esther!
Pheww…some mothers do have them, I have one!

• During graduation, King Earl got two prizes, which were wrapped in brown paper and addressed to him. Imani got 2 also but hers was enclosed in a gift wrapper. I decided to take a picture of his gifts and I asked him to hold them up and he grudgingly informs me “They are not gifts, it is just number 3!” Please look at the picture below and confirm if either of us were wrong. LOL.IMG_20150715_140745
• Aunty Zhu came visiting and when she wanted to leave, as with all our guests, you locked the door declaring “you are not going anywhere!” she attempted to push past you, but you wouldn’t bulge. So she decided to use the back door and announced same; seeing that by the time you got there, she would have escaped. You shouted after her “Go! And don’t come back!” You always managed to have the last words.

Beyond his famous one-liners, and ready-made answers to every question, you really don’t want to be on the other end of answering his question, when he is on a fact-finding mission. As you answer the first one (feeling cool), he asks you ‘why?’ by your next answer, another ‘why?’ and the cycle goes on till he tires or you leave that arena.

Gradually, your skill as an artist and comedian like your dad is showing. I will not lie, the house is boring without you and your theatrics; like Imani says “he’s full of drama.” My friends come to visit and the next minute (after leaving) they are sending BB messages of how they miss you! You derive pleasure in painting, your figures includes Horses and Dragons, Rhinos, Dogs and sometimes members of your family. I almost forgot, you were scared of dogs until you met with Esosa’s dog and now that’s all we get to hear, you want a dog too!

For a cake, you asked for a Horse and Ninja Turtle cake. But you had a Horse cake last year :). So Ninja Turtle cake is it. IMG_5847

What do you want as gift? A yellow car, a red car, a blue car…what do we do with your Ford?!  IMG_20150529_130906

Happy birthday my dearest Igwe, may great Kings acknowledge you. As your father prayed this morning, may this be the beginning of Good news in your life. Even as you become established in God’s presence, may He perfect all that concerns you and tune your gifts in the area of His divine call on you. You will be known for good and the outstanding in your generation, the Light of God in you will not be darkened, but it will glow, attracting people to seek and know Him. Grow in grace, stature and wisdom. Let the love we have for you be a reminder of where you’re from. IMG_5875

I yob ❤ you always even when you ignore me every other time, I chose to wait for mine. As I’ve come to know that when it’s my time, every other person pales in your attention arena.



Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was on the 8th of November and I was thus inspired to say thank you for sharing these years with me.

On the 8th
On the 8th…going out

The Kings and I
The Kings and I

Birthday cake
Happy birthday to me

Life they say begins at 40 but mine had started years before now

Or how else do I explain the many goodness God has shown

How He has blessed me with a Heritage wise beyond their ages

And a King who reigns in his domain with ease and many graces

A family beyond birth and blood who love me with their lives

Whilst surrounding me with prayers on which I thrive

Friends that love me even when oceans try to separate

Yet at even occasion remind me of how we celebrate

So when I say mine had begun before now

Believe it and don’t ask how?

Rather tap into the Joys of knowing and having God

For with Him it is always good.

Otibhor and I – 10112014

Happy birthday to me as I celebrate everyone who shares this day and month with me.

Pouting and smiling :)
Pouting and smiling 🙂

Imani and Iman
Imani and Iman

King Earl and Iman
King Earl and Iman


© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.