Challenge WQWWC

#WQWWC – Memories

Memories…are moments just gone by

Becoming seconds and minutes as times flies!

Each, bearing fluttering hearts, sometimes tears…

All a sure sign to say I care, cared or someone still cares

Our wishes might be some memories banquished

Or relive the times when true love flourished

Whatever it be, all that matters is

Space became home and lace with girls

Grass formed paths that boys’ feet blazed

Curtains fell, and stained glass glazed

Sweet, bitter, desire, despise…

Don’t seek some memories twice!

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

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Challenge Haiku

Standing, not Fallen Flags

Many men and women have sacrificed their lives and loves for the love of their Country, to ensure the safety of their people, lands and borders. Sometimes, we celebrate them, other times we immortalize them. Ronovan’s challenge for today to me is a call to celebrate them

Heroes Past

Half-mast flags mean sad

Lives cut in prime and duty

…Decorated dead

Not Forgotten

We celebrate you

Though gone, your good deeds we praise

As our flags we raise

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

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Freedom Fridays Life My Paraphrase The Word


Jesus’ Point of View – my paraphrase
It’s been a long while ago I died!
In those days (even now), when people died, those alive mourned, they were saddened by that loss – because they weren’t going to see the person anymore. Or perhaps at the remembrance of how good the person was to them and how they will miss their benevolence or presence. But not so with me, and thinking about it, I’m wondering what I ever did wrong to deserve this. Oh! I remember, maybe once, I called them names. But between you and I, you would agree that name described them very well – Brood of vipers! Oh, I can never forget how flushed their faces became from the senior to the least priest nor how the blood drained from their faces and they became white! LOL. Hilarious!

But is that enough reason to hate me so much?! And before I forget, I also whipped and drove at those merchants (oops men of God) from the temple. It is a place of worship, I’m not sure who decided that selling there would bring more people. Did I tell them I was into networking or soul-winning?

Beyond that and maybe some personal grouse they had for me, all I did was good for them and yet when they had the chance, they whipped me bloodied, made me drag the cross from the city to Golgotha. I had to slice through the thickness of their hatred to get to the place of execution. The humiliation, the jeers, the stones, the rotten fruits they threw, the vinegar, the lewd words, they even played *Kaalu-kaalu over my clothes! No iota of respect for one about to die and for what? A trial without concrete evidence! They accused me of speech, that I said “I am the Son of God.” Am I not?! Why would I prefer a name I am not to the One I Am, funny bunch! I Am the Truth and I don’t do lies like their father, that ancient deceiver. I don’t have his time right now, let me address the issue at hand.

As I was saying before I went on history lane, how come when I died they rejoiced! No one was sad (except my mother and John), my beloved John! And where did Peter go shortly after that – to fish! Is that all I meant to him? One would think that after denying Me, he would look for ways to make up. Did his business mean so much to him than the Kingdom? Did he not understand when I said “seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you!” Peter, dear Peter, I gave you an earlier sign that these things would happen. I even told you to be careful that the deceiver was seeking permission to render you useless, but you refused to listen. For someone that knew so much, you broke my Heart!

Word in Pidgin English:
*Kaalu-Kaalu: Gamble

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – From Ebony to Ivory

My friend Ebony wrote me this poem many years back. Then I think we had pulled apart a bit, can’t remember the reason for that friction but it was something that shook us. Being a deep person as she is, I couldn’t fathom how we allowed a 3rd-party spoil our friendship. This was like a reassurance that all was well.

We are far apart now (distance-wise), but our friendship is one you know that will last many oceans and seas. She was around recently (though briefly), but it felt like we never parted. To all those out there that maintain friendship regardless of years past/distance creation, this is for you!

Hello Ivory,
How have you been?
How have you really been?
Just using this medium to express the position of my heart
It’s been so long since we bonded
And it’s beginning to look like the bands are destroyed
But that devil is a liar
I miss you so much that even words cannot express
You know sometimes I lay back and I ask myself what ever happened to us
What ever happened to our cords that cannot be broken?
What happened to our hearts being open?
What happened to our going out of our way?
To make sure the other is okay
Or maybe just doing things for the fun of it
And creating memories so we can flashback as we sit
I want you to know that you are one of my priceless jewels
You are the one I call ‘Pearl’
Because you are lustrous and greatly prized for that
You are usually white and people are attracted to that fact
You are very rare and very precious
Your fragrance is like Jasmine
Warm and very temperate
Produced with white flowers
You are like an antique in my museum
You are a souvenir on my shelf
And you are the fair part of myself
You know that we can’t be separated
I’m the chocolate and you are the ice-cream
I’m poured all over you
And there’s nothing you can do
That’s why you are IVORY
You are delicate
And your milky color depicts your softness
I’ve always known that you were tender
How could I have treated you with such stiffness, I ponder
But then I remember
That I am Ebony
And my blackness stands for hardness
That’s why our blend is perfect
And whichever way
Two can play
When you are so sensitive and vulnerable
My hardness creates a balance
And when I’m so stiff and stubborn
Your tenderness and softness fulfills that instance
Sometimes we exchange our roles
And we always come out with a spark
Not “Gordon spark”
The reality I have for you
Is one that can’t be tarnished or finished
It flows from the depths of “forever”
And it will spun the whole world until it finds its rest in you
All I’m trying to say is that you mean a lot to me
And just like the sky
You are a constant in my life
People may come and go
But you will always stay
You might stray
But I know you’ll bring back a lot of pay
Because no one is graced to take that place
And run that race
It is a fierce and rocky journey
And I need you to keep up the pace
You are like an ink stain
On a white piece of cloth, very conspicuous
I could keep on
But whatever my heart says is summed up in these four sweet words

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Tuesday Thoughts

#TuesdayThoughts – Remember!

And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; – Genesis 9:15

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – He Remembers

(put her members back together according to His divine plans)

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



People I've met Poems

#911 – 14 years later

14 years later

September 11th is here again
14 years later with its reminders of pain!
It’s been easier to bear as the years roll
Because we have seen worse tragedies untold
But nothing prepares one for the pain of loss
Nor can one its emptiness afford
You’ve been gone all this while
And time has taken flights in miles.
I’ve met FK because of you
And had some sort of closure even if few
Remembering you and others today
In a somewhat sad happy way.

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday

For you my Beloved Country…

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday

Lyrical Mondays_090215© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


911 Collections 2

I wrote about my cousin Ini and how someone’s unscrupulous behaviour pushed her to make a decision. Though, I will not rule out the truth that God knows the beginning and end of all matters that concern us, as such, all things lie in His control. You can read up about it before continuing with these set of collection.


Woke up this morning feeling down
Maybe it’s the dark cloud
No! I don’t think so
It looks like a known foe
Still I can’t place my finger on it
As all I feel is heat.
Suddenly, it came to me
Years back you had to leave
And this pain I feel
Seems to say your absence is real.
But you, I’ll always remember
And keep your memories forever
Though September 11th is here again
Soon I know I’ll smile again.

© 2005 Frances Kelvin Otung


Dear cousin,

Five years ago
We experienced grief untold
But like I said back then
No one truly knows when
…Except God
The One we call upon.
It’s five years and two days now
We’ve survived the pain somehow.
I wonder if others have…
Is joy back into their lives?

I’ve learnt
To love a lot more
Pray for sure
Hug a little longer
Care more for one another
I’ve learnt to slow down
Though I don’t get there on time
Enjoy the morning breeze
And take life with ease.
Some have been born
And others have gone!

For each day,
“Thanks” is all we say.

My life will take a different turn
But you won’t be here to share the fun.
A whisper in my ears…
“I’ll always be there
Looking down from here
And that’s how much I care!”
9/11 is someone’s special day
Sad for others…but hey
Its 5years and 2days now
Thought you should know somehow
You are not forgotten
My dearest cousin!

*for you and the others that didn’t say good-bye.

© 2006 Frances Kelvin Otung