Freedom Fridays Life

#FreedomFridays – I have a question🤔

Dear God,

I’m not sure who exactly to channel this question to, since You are available, know all things, are the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I guess, it makes sense asking You and no other.

Why is it that the day I want to do laundry is when it rains? 🤔

Or the night the air is so still, that PHCN takes power and for some reason the generator chooses that period to go on ‘strike’?😡

Why do people who have never (literally) offered you anything before decide to buy you lunch that must be eaten as soon as it is brought, the day you are fasting? 🤐

Why do friends and family call just when you started sleeping? When you had been tossing and turning hours earlier and nobody called🙄😯

Why do people begin a movie, sleep through it and wake up at the end to start all over again and sleep again🙈 (don’t look at me, how should I know?)

Why do I yawn if someone besides me yawns? I noticed the cycle continues and then stops as suddenly as it began.

Why do people who were really ill, begin to get better and just when everyone is excited they are okay, they pass on😔

Why do people know the right thing to do and the truth, but choose to do wrong and to lie?! 😒

What’s the thought on the minds of mosquitoes and others, just before they are sprayed or squashed to their demise?

Since, you wanted to know what my question is, I’d like to know yours too!

It’s just one of those days I’m wondering why some things happen. Here’s to my thoughts going in many directions.

Dear God, You know what my real question is, please send me a reply, privately. Thanks😍

I Am IMAN – I Manifest Adonai’s Nature.

@imanikel 31072020 Frances Kelvin Otung


The Morning After

Waking up beside a past, who has become another’s future.
From a night of passion, whose harvest is repeated torture.
How do you explain to prying eyes and questioning lips…
The questions that bug you and refuse to let “things” lie?
How do you get past the guilt,
when with future you meet?
How do you erase the filth,
from your night of tingling feet?
Before you cuddle and sweetly snuggle…
Enwrapped beneath sheets of love’s bundle
Before you throw caution to the wind,
using the dark as cover to sin,
Think, “will I be proud of of my deeds after?
“Will I hold my head up high in laughter?”


In and Out!

Listening to the rhythms and beats
And I realized that there are times I don’t hear!
Those times I’m merely there, but hardly about life care!

Same way the heart trumps and beats,
Yet the meaning to life, I’ve lost and can’t understand!
Why so much sound, colors, movements, yet my world still it stands!

It is not light that beckons thus,
But an unseen force which slowly sucks out desire.
Threatening to engulf beauty with its’ dark and quench fires!

It is almost silent, but it flickers.
A strand to hold, a jot of light, a grain of hope.
A seeker’s find, a treasure mine, a WORD, a hug and I cope!

@imanikel 26072020 Frances Kelvin Otung


#FreedomFriday – Watching Weight

I’m intentional about my topic, I could easily have labelled it as “weight watching”, but that’s exactly what Oba called it. You see, he called me the other day, just after my early morning exercise. Funny, I thought ‘exercise’ but my fingers were typing “sacrifice” and it hit me, truly, it is a sacrifice because some mornings I’m sooooooo tired and I want to just crawl back into bed after devotion to catch a bit of nap after a night of watching Netflix or better put, being watched by movies on Netflix. (Hmmm. Please do not laugh and if you do, make sure I’m not listening), but I drag myself out of my nightie into my exercise gear, grumbling seriously in my heart, but bent on doing the 30 mins – 1 hour of walking, jumping etc that I do.

As I was saying, Oba called and after I told him what I had accomplished that morning, he yawned repeatedly and this isn’t the “I’m-tired-kinda-yawn” but the “Boy-I’m-very-hungry-type!” So, the big question I asked was,

Have you eaten?
I’m watching my weight
Indeed, my love, that’s what you are doing, “watching the weight” (I burst out laughing), please can you add some exercise to it. It’s not a movie.
I lift weights, he protested.
I know, you carry them to the Lord in prayer. I continued to yab him.

He is not the only one who keeps watching his weight and expecting something to happen, he actually does his exercises, but I just felt like being on his matter that morning, *tongue out*. Some, have heard it repeatedly that “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he!” So, they assume that as they think it, they become it.

Some things, are like faith, they require believe and action. You don’t have to do much, just be determined that you have dwelt in this mount too long and its time to turn. I don’t have any problem with your body size as long as you are comfortable with it, I’m just sharing a personal moment my hubby and I had.

By the way, I’m beautifully and wonderfully made, but I’m intentional about climbing the steps to my office and not breathing too hard to get to the top. I enjoy the boost I get when I’m done with the early morning exercise and truth be told, I’m feeling a bit lighter, which I like. It is a personal choice and whatever you choose to do this Friday is up to you! I salute your choice as long as it doesn’t hurt the next person. I’m off to get ready for being watched by Netflix later at night…don’t tell anyone.

I Am IMAN – I Manifest Adonai’s Nature #UnapologeticallyMe

@imanikel 24072020 Frances Kelvin Otung

Articles Life

On Coping

Stuck in the process of crafting a line
as I chased to hold a drifting mind,
Slippery as an eel, the thoughts leave.
Up, down and sighs in ripples heave.
From viewing gorgeous almond-shaped eyes
to smiling at sweet thought-out lines.
Wishing brown chubby arms wrapped
me in warm hugs like King-Earl's raps!
I'm caught between make-believe and reality,
trying to ensure a sense of indemnity.

Back to pick up from where I stopped.
Perhaps, there are other ways to cope.
A line today...three more tomorrow.
"I'm fine", I say, "I feel no more 'sorrow'!"
Just an emptiness that never gets filled,
Like a space, a field, constantly filled.
We throw in bakes, cream, junk and films,
seeking change but chances are slim.
And I'm back to that wide-eyed beam,
which hurries, fading, like a sweet dream!

@imanikel 24072020 Frances Kelvin Otung


A Cloak of Deceit

Coming like a cover to protect and keep
Acknowledging the warmth, did my heart beep
A tug, a snuggle closer to keep from cold's bite.
Hid the truth beneath, a smile, a sneer - hell's fright!
Panic painted the picture and my heart raced.
Creeping in, unsure thoughts of what to do reigned
A friend had become a fiend without drama
A handshake, a hug, a kiss turned dagger!
Yet, I'm covered in a cloak of "warmth"...
From one I thought cared and would hold forte.

A representative that spoke with pure "light"
was a purveyor, a means of hell's delight.
With soft, white fleece like that of sheep,
a voice so sweet that says, "more sleep"
Relayed "truths" that had no fruits...
with the finesse of a brute.
A smile, soft eyes, "caring words", yet a mask
all to assist him get done with the task!
Coming like a cover I uncovered...
The subtle patterns of a devourer.

@imanikel 23072020 Frances Kelvin Otung

A Different Kind of Kind

Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge Prompt No. 15 (KIND) This week, it’s the B rhyme line.

A world devoid of stuff that's good
Presents a different "be kind"
This thought came to harass my mind. 
In a world of eroding good 
How does one survive the hood?
From the love shown by another
Moving through cracks across borders...
Touching lives in simple sweet ways
We remind them of good old days...
And rise above selfish orders!

@imanikel 23072020 Frances Kelvin Otung



It’s been a while I wrote so I stumbled on Ronovan‘ s Décima Poetry Challenge post today and decided to give it a try.

Some live free, others in a shed 
a cluster of feathers and beak
eyes and feet, some can even speak!
Worth two in a bush, I have heard
That depends on the kind of bird.
Will he flutter seeking a mate?
Or drag till he's a tad too late
Free, caged, wild, calm or perhaps tamed
It can become another's game.
Blame the game, not the player, hate.

@imanikel 17072020 Frances Kelvin Otung
