Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – Between Us!

I know you know what I mean King ❤

Lyrical Mondays_310815© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Thankful Thursday

#ThankfulThursday – Every day

Be thankful! Rejoice!! It will bring more.

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Writer’s Quote Wednesday

It’s another week for motivation for writers and those who read and the silent ones who are writers at heart. All you need is a dose of motivation, stop over @Colleen’s WQW and get fired up.

Writer's Quote Wednesday_260815 We readily want to share our world with our readers, but what kind of world would you offer your reader if you haven’t experienced it yet? Like Colleen is forever talking about seeing magic in daily life, she says it so often that one begins to look a lot deeper and see beyond the natural.

Today, I charge you to have an experiential knowledge of any and every thing you desire to share, before sharing – that way, your writing is convincing and inviting enough to make me hurry before you (the writer) to the next page.

Dear reader, I hope we get to meet and satisfy your need…it’s sometimes really hard you know but hey, that’s why we rub minds at the WQW…enjoy!

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



Last year he had 10 names, given to him officially at birth but I call him 3 at once (King-Earl Ethan Emmanuel) if I need to get his attention. King-Earl is 4 years today. Yippee!!!IMG_5925

How did the year go? It was event-full. For one, he started school for the very first in his life mid-term, yet he got two prizes – the Most Improved and 3rd position in his class. So imagine if he had started before then, he would have won the Pulitzer Prize for brilliance! I celebrate you today, because regardless of when you started, you proved to be a King that knows how to reign in his domain. And a King he truly is!

I’m sure you are wondering who is IGWE? And how did the name come about. I’m not sure myself, but all I know is that King-Earl returned from school one day and when I referred to him as ‘Chairman’, he quickly corrected me, “call me Igwe” he said. IGWE means King in Igbo, but we are Ibibios and he should have been called OBONG, but that is his father’s name and my thoughts are these:

• King-Earl already knows his place in dominion, not contesting kingship with his dad. So when we get to call ‘King’, he doesn’t answer, and neither does he answer if you say ‘Earl’ alone, except you add King. He will promptly inform you, “my name is not Earl, my name is King-Earl”
• He is expanding his territory to other regions
• He enjoys the vibes the fanfare and drama of being called IGWE brings. As whenever his colleagues see him, they hail Igwe!!! Early in the morning, as the bus picks him up and he puts his first leg on the bus, shouts of Igwe! Igwe!! rends the air and he walks majestically to his seat.

A few episodes worthy of note:
• He wanted to use his dad’s phone to play games and his sister Imani was with it, he cried-pretended seriously until she gave it to him. When our friend (Uncle Dele) asked him why he was crying “I just had to get it.” he replied. He knows he is the last born (for now) and so it’s easy to ask Imani to leave whatever it is for him.

• He was with my phone, when a call came through and I was busy somewhere. His dad meets up with him and he goes, “Daddy, someone called your wife” (with every amount of seriousness to the gist). And King enquired inquisitively, “who?” The profound reply he got was “You”.

• King Earl: Are you a girl?
Imani: (wondering where this is line of questioning is headed) Yes
King Earl: Am I a boy?
Imani: Yes
King Earl: No I’m not a boy, I’m a son!
Imani: Okay, you are a son.
King Earl: No! I’m not a son, I’m a Moon
Imani: (Looking at him incredulously) But you can’t be a Moon, nah.
King Earl: I don’t want to be a Son again, I’m a Moon.

• I called him this morning to sing the “Happy Birthday” song for him and in his usual way, after the initial “how are you,” from me and the “I’m fine” response from him, he goes, “give the phone to Imani.” I tried persuading him to answer my call, and he obliged.
Me: Who’s birthday is it today?
King Earl: Mine
Me: So you don’t want me to sing Happy birthday to you?
King Earl: ♫Happy Birthday to you (2x)♫
(I stop him and proceed to sing it for him and as I ended, I heard “Hip, hip, hip hurray!” Apparently, someone had put it on speaker.)
Me: How old are you?
King Earl: 3 years
Me: No! You are 4!
King Earl: I’m 3!
Me: But you were 3 the last time.
King Earl: Okay, Okay! (And you go) give the phone to Aunty Esther!
Pheww…some mothers do have them, I have one!

• During graduation, King Earl got two prizes, which were wrapped in brown paper and addressed to him. Imani got 2 also but hers was enclosed in a gift wrapper. I decided to take a picture of his gifts and I asked him to hold them up and he grudgingly informs me “They are not gifts, it is just number 3!” Please look at the picture below and confirm if either of us were wrong. LOL.IMG_20150715_140745
• Aunty Zhu came visiting and when she wanted to leave, as with all our guests, you locked the door declaring “you are not going anywhere!” she attempted to push past you, but you wouldn’t bulge. So she decided to use the back door and announced same; seeing that by the time you got there, she would have escaped. You shouted after her “Go! And don’t come back!” You always managed to have the last words.

Beyond his famous one-liners, and ready-made answers to every question, you really don’t want to be on the other end of answering his question, when he is on a fact-finding mission. As you answer the first one (feeling cool), he asks you ‘why?’ by your next answer, another ‘why?’ and the cycle goes on till he tires or you leave that arena.

Gradually, your skill as an artist and comedian like your dad is showing. I will not lie, the house is boring without you and your theatrics; like Imani says “he’s full of drama.” My friends come to visit and the next minute (after leaving) they are sending BB messages of how they miss you! You derive pleasure in painting, your figures includes Horses and Dragons, Rhinos, Dogs and sometimes members of your family. I almost forgot, you were scared of dogs until you met with Esosa’s dog and now that’s all we get to hear, you want a dog too!

For a cake, you asked for a Horse and Ninja Turtle cake. But you had a Horse cake last year :). So Ninja Turtle cake is it. IMG_5847

What do you want as gift? A yellow car, a red car, a blue car…what do we do with your Ford?!  IMG_20150529_130906

Happy birthday my dearest Igwe, may great Kings acknowledge you. As your father prayed this morning, may this be the beginning of Good news in your life. Even as you become established in God’s presence, may He perfect all that concerns you and tune your gifts in the area of His divine call on you. You will be known for good and the outstanding in your generation, the Light of God in you will not be darkened, but it will glow, attracting people to seek and know Him. Grow in grace, stature and wisdom. Let the love we have for you be a reminder of where you’re from. IMG_5875

I yob ❤ you always even when you ignore me every other time, I chose to wait for mine. As I’ve come to know that when it’s my time, every other person pales in your attention arena.


Tuesday Thoughts

#TuesdayThoughts – Loss

Tuesday Thoughts_250815

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – For your eyes only

Lyrical Mondays_240815

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



I listened, watched and thoroughly loved this. I’m positive you will too! Nico posted it on his blog

Rivers Renewed

This is an inspiring video! As we know music can help any situation, and make our world a better place, but in this piece, music is a symbol of hope and life. Music can bring hope!

This is wonderful for many reasons. The music is wonderful, but it also combines Lindsey’s music with modern dance. Watch as different people come alive when they have hope. Life and energy come and live in those having a tough time.

This is one time that I highly recommend watching the commercial! Please, please watch the commercial at the end. It is about the landfill orchestra. I think you will be amazed! There is also an introduction for a program to help children learn leadership skills, called, “Leader in Me”. This is fantastic! Powerful! Remember we truly can make a difference in our world. We can do this!

I wish you PEACE, and have…

View original post 45 more words

Articles Life


I have read severally about the topic ‘What’s in a name?’ So today for a change, I decided to find out what is really in a fight.
i-m-mad-at-you-but-i-still-love-youWell, I love fights…is something wrong with me, NOPE! Am I troublesome…? (Thinking, I’ll let my crew answer that and that’s if you have their phone numbers or email addresses then you can ask them. Till then you have to stick with me and believe what I say. winking at the autonomy I hold). Well, I can say I’m mischievous in a sweet way and that’s if you get to understand me. If not, we will constantly be fighting…trying to take territories that aren’t even ours! Vanity, says the Philosopher.

Why do I love ‘fights’? Am I not violent? NOPE! I love a good argument that you can clearly lay out and get the other person to understand you. It doesn’t mean they will accept your reasoning, but at least you have made the point clear and communication flow better. A good fight (not according to Apostle Paul this time) is one that results in good fruits (find the list below and by the way you can add yours) and that what I’m all about today. I always quote to my crew, “I don’t do battles without spoils.” ‘Spoils’ here doesn’t mean I conquered, but that we overcame that hurdle and are the better for it and are a lot better where we are now than where we first began.


The King and I know how to do the good fight and permit me to say, it’s brought us far and made us better. One thing we tell ourselves during it is that “we are not opponents but team members.” And what do team members do, they strive to achieve a common goal. So in these kinds of fight, there are no spoils (the kind you are expecting), but spoils called PEACE to gain and HOT LOVE to enjoy!

A fight tells me the following:
1. We still have unresolved issues in the case of understanding tones, non-verbal communication etc.
2. We care about each other (in a crazy way)
3. It’s time to take a decision
4. Communication lines are going to be unclogged and improved. There will be talking and listening.
5. New commitments will be made
6. Someone just made a decision not to be silent anymore and keep taking it in
7. Self-realisation – that there more to me than who I am.
8. The carpet is bulging from too many things being swept under it and not out into the bin where it belongs!
9. We have given up on each other and can’t take “it” anymore? What if it means good bye?
10. My view point may not be the best, even if it’s often difficult to admit that.

picture109Benefits of a good fight:
• A good fight makes you go outside your borders (in understanding that the last time I did this, it didn’t end well, so let me try the new improved method of reaching out to this person).
• It makes you understand the significant other a lot better. For heaven’s sakes, even twins are not alike to the last dot as we erroneously believe talk less of someone you got into a relationship with or got married to. They come from a different ‘planet’, have differing fields of experiences. We try to merge the two and as with all mergers, there will be areas of conflict that need addressing and polishing to smoothen out rough edges.
• A good fight spices up things and the makeup session is something else! Especially for the married ones. Smiling mischievously…again!
• It exposes strengths and weaknesses. We need to be open to our weaknesses and see how they are complemented by the other’s strengths. This produces a great team; a focused team!

Let’s hear your take on this matter. How do you handle fights, what are the benefits you have seen so far? Eagerly waiting to hear. Inbetween: I didn’t have a fight, just wanted to talk about it and hear differently. ❤ 🙂

Picture credits:

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Freedom Fridays

#FreedomFriday – LADIES NIGHT!


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Looking quite upset) “Why does she have to call someone this much? She has a thousand and one servants and yet she’ll call my name as if I am one of them and not the Princess herself. (Arranging herself as she mentioned the word ‘Princess’) One of these days, (rolling her eyes) with the way this her yeye lover man is scooping me sef, I might give in to him, just to show her.” Cynthia fumes as she hurries towards her mum.

“Yes Mummy, did you want something?” She asked in a babyish voice, like the mummy’s girl she’s had her mum believe she was.

Patting the space beside her on the soft wide bed with pastel coloured bed sheet and fluffy feather-filled pillows, “Come my darling, sit with me a while. I have great news for you!”

“What’s up mum?”

“We are gonna have a parry!!!! I’m super-excited. As a matter of fact I’m trying to organise the women’s group”. (Tapping the pen gently against her teeth and lost in another world of party plans.) Cynthia observes her mum, wondering why she always got excited whenever there was a party to go for or planned. “Well, I can’t really blame her”. You see, Kate (her mum) had had a troubled marriage to her father. Thinking about it, was he really her father? Why did she treat him with so much disdain? She never saw anything good in what he did. No matter how hard he tried, “it’s not good enough” she would sneer at him in low tunes and angry gazes. Now she sucks up to her Uncle, Des. I’m not even sure what to think of that one. He’s after my mum and cutting me eyes at the same time. Is it not bad enough that he took mum away from his brother, now he wants the daughter too!

“I’m thinking of the colour of Aso-ebi to wear for the occasion this time” Kate’s voice cuts through Cynthia’s multiple thoughts bringing her attention back to the matter at hand.

“Let’s do Coral and Cobalt Blue for a change, it will soften the blue and still make it sweet. The last time we used Purple and Lilac.”

“I see”, nodding her head in agreement, “you are right. I can already see the bevy of gorgeously dressed women everywhere in the palace and I will be the talk of town for weeks by the time I show up in all my splendour.” (With closed eyes, she raises her head smiling) “I can already feel the buzz and all the activity. Hmmm”

“Yes I was going to tell you this important point before we, sorry, (smiling knowingly) I went off on another tangent about Aso-ebi.” Kate continues in-a-matter-of-factly voice, “Like I was saying we are going to have a party and you know how Uncle Des can be whenever there is one and he has taken that his Baileys, Gin and Tonic with Orijin on the side. And whenever he is surrounded by his bunch of lousy friends, he wants to impress them.” (Shooting her a mischievous wink) “And you my darling, is one of the many reasons he loses it. So we are going to maximise that opportunity. By the way, I’m not saying sleep with him o! I’ll have your head if you attempt it. Just kidding baby.”

“I wouldn’t do such a thing mummy” Cynthia protested. “Not after all you have done for me when Daddy kicked you out.”

“Good, now we understand ourselves, we are…”


She allows the curtains fall out of her hands, walks back into the room and breathes out in anger “I really HATE this man, why won’t he just shut up and stop being a show spoiler” Kate hissed at the retreating back of Prophet Patrick. “He seems to have a knack for showing up at the wrong place at the wrong time. One of these days, he will get what’s coming to him. I will make sure he loses the thing carrying that his bad mouth” (looking up at her daughter) “and that’s a promise” she concludes.

“Such beauty! Such splendour!” Uncle Des gushes. “How do you manage to get so many beautiful women in one place, my friends will be pleased.” He beams at Kate who gives him a little bow of acknowledgement. “Thank you my love.”

“I hope Cynthia will do her special dance for me and my friends today. I had promised them thrills beyond measure.”

“She will my love, she will. Just remember to settle her after the party.”

“Anything for you Kate. You know I have been eyeing you before my brother brought his K-leg into the matter and you agreed to marry him. Well, all that is in the past now” He raises his glass of Baileys to her red wine glass and they toast to a fun-filled night.

“What have I gotten myself into?” Des mutters to no one in particular and quickly sends Kate a BB message “My love, please understand I cannot do this…I cannot make this request possible. Please have Cynthia ask for something else.”

“But you promised, dearest Des, you promised!” was the reply she sent, whilst smiling at her daughter, experiencing joy that finally she would get her revenge on that Prophet Patrick and at Des for being so weak when it comes to his ego.

The morning after the Ladies night, Kate looked out of the window, almost certain he would show up as usual with his annoying bell, croaky voice and unkempt busy beards. He didn’t. But she heard his warning all the same “CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT THING IN LIFE! ALL THESE SINS YOU ARE COMMITTING, DARIS GOD O! CHANGE YOUR WAYS! CHANGE YOUR WAYS!! I SAY, CHANGE YOUR WAYS!!! LEAVE PEOPLE’S WIVES ALONE, FACE YOUR FAMILY. WOMAN, GO BACK TO YOUR HUSBAND, BEFORE THUNDER WILL STRIKE YOU IN YOUR ADULTERY!” in her head.

Matthew 14: 1-11

Word in Pidgin English:
Silly lover that is panting after me

Picture Source:

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


#Writer’sQuoteWednesday on a Thursday

Its WQW on a Thursday (as usual for me 🙂 ) I chose this quote for one reason viewed in many parts.

Thankful Thursday_190815For one, it tells you that what really matters in the end is the LIFE in your years and it hit me that the years spent on this side of eternity is made up of several lives per person …. And what do I mean by that. Take me for instance, I have a life as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a writer, a believer etc. Have I truly lived these several aspects of my life or I just got tired of one and let it become obsolete.

Today, I will encourage you to live each life to the brim, you hear me, to the brim. So that when your years are complete, you will have no regrets and neither will the people around you or the world at large, so creation can testify that Frances made a mark! By the way, am still here and doing it…slowly maybe, but surely!

How about you?

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©2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved