Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thoughts

Good Friends are hard to find, I’d rather keep mine. Hugs to you all ❤

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Brutality – Is the Police your friend?

I know my friend FK would be interested in this gist and maybe have a few stories to tell or maybe not. As some didn’t live to tell their story.

I will not go into the details of what the Police is supposed to do, they already know their work. It is what they are NOT meant to do, but KEEP DOING that is the bone of contention today and because they have knocked on the wrong door, I’m calling this particular person to the stand. And to think that just yesterday I posted a poem on the different kinds of brutality, only to have it played on my own King! God is watching you, Mr. Policeman.

IMG_20150630_192314I had requested for fish, moi-moi (steamed mixture made from beans paste, pepper, onions, groundnut oil etc. Well, this info is for my friends that don’t know what moi-moi is). As a matter of fact, I’ve added the pix of my food and a link, so I don’t deviate and as such my anger boils over quickly than it should. Actually, I’m not angry anymore, just pissed that people, NOPE…some Policemen still behave like this.

So back to my story…

I had asked King for grilled fish, moi-moi and salad (Please stop salivating, because even if you want part of it, it will have to be virtual-eating) and he calls me, I’m not sure why, but I could hear distracting noise in the background. So I kept calling his name till he responded and said that a Police-man had just deflated his tyre. There was this long fuel queue and the location housing the filling-station also houses that eatery King was going to. Usually, if you are going to the eatery, the security personnel would allow you entry and watch with their eyes to ensure you do not divert. Moreover the owners of the Petrol Station have their area cordoned off so you are ‘forced’ to stay in line.

King attempts to turn in by Oando roundabout and is told by this policeman to go and park somewhere and walk back to buy stuff. A staff of the eatery tried to intervene, the policeman ignored him and subsequently went to deflate the tyre. When King tried to stop him, he clung onto King’s suit and proceeded to use his gun to hit him. But King’s friend, Dee, blocked him and the gun landed on Dee’s hand. While all this was happening, his senior officer was by the corner watching. So King approached him to report the matter, the same policeman walked down to his boss to tell him not to listen to King and a wind of ALCOHOL gushed out!

This early morning! And with a gun?! Supposing he had cocked it and fired? I met a lady at work who came in very early in the morning weeping unashamed because a DRUNK POLICEMAN had shot her brother for no offence and refused to allow him be carried to the hospital and he bled there and died. A young man with so many potentials…a heavy loss to his family and this nation.

I know there are VERY GOOD Policemen and women in the force. When will the BAD ones be sent away or kept in the station to be doing “charge and bail” and leave sensible work to those that appreciate lives? Just asking. By the way, we have his number and his boss even had the effrontery to tell him to run and hide. Well, like a proverb in my place says “It’s the same hand you used to catch fly, that you will use to catch Bee”, but you know the end-results already, don’t you?! Hahahhahahahahaha. He will do it again and the Bee will sting.

What has your experience been?

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday

So much is going on around the world. I noticed these a while ago and I know it has gotten worse. From the girlfriend, to the ‘Law’-enforcers, from people, to directors of parastatals. Do I subscribe to this…no way!

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Photo 101 Weekly Photo Challenge

Photo Rehab #7 – Muse

I get inspired by a beautiful Journal that is empty…the blank pages speak to me, beckoning that I create and make something out of their plainness – that voice I find irresistible! Inspired by beauty, pain, love and by children.

I’m not sure how to capture all in one, so I’ll just stick to children. #PhotoRehab
© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Freedom Fridays

Freedom Friday on a Saturday – Change

change-4-1imepycIf you live in Nigeria at the moment, the most popular word in recent times is CHANGE and if ‘CHANGE‘ were to charge us every time we called his name, he’d be smiling to the Bank per second. Sadly, Change can’t afford to be caught in the monotony of stability or ‘sanity’ as he must keep up with his title. Like they say and it is quite paradoxical that “Change Is The Only Constant Thing In Life”. The thought of Change being constant is preposterous!

Well, I’m given to Change, as long as it is for the better. So tonight, I’m going to change things on my knees or standing – however I deem comfortable – through prayers. I need things to be Peaceful, I work on them and I pray. I need a job, I apply, prepare for the post/interview and pray etc. The world is going crazy…I pray and change things.

What if things don’t CHANGE? What if it is all in the grand plan for the end to be beautiful? Then, it is wise to connect with One who knows the end from the beginning and that’s where I am, not just for the moment but for life!

Seasoned Sistah2 came to a point she had to make some changes in her life for the better. Let’s do this trip with her and learn other ways to fight pain. Read it up. Sadly, we couldn’t get her more nature pictures for this week. But lets see how that goes next week.

It’s Freedom Friday on a Saturday, we have to PRAY!

Picture credit:

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Photo 101

Photo Rehab #6 – ROY G BIV

Roy G BivNot wanting to search too far for Mr. Roy G.Biv, I looked through my things. I’m sure I’m colourful enough to have all it takes to make ROY Green (with envy and) Blue In (the face and his) Views.

I’m not sure if I got them but my flowers seem to think I didn’t do badly. What do you think ROY G.BIV?

By the way, I will post this on my Clinic I’m sure they don’t mind a bit of colour!


© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday – Praying Mothers

For you, Mum. ❤ you so.

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Writer’s Quote Wednesday

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Have a love relationship with your thoughts, ideas, poems, articles etc. So that whenever you find yourself in a rut, there will be someone on the inside willing to open the door, help you up to get inspired again. It is all within YOU!

What’s the key to unlocking the ‘unseen, unknown’ you?

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thoughts

I’m concerned…truly by the level of outright disrespect being flung about. And I’m thinking, maybe I am over-reacting, so I decided to check out the word RESPECT and the dictionary gives me many definitions and I chose the one that relates to what I’m dealing with

“an attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem; regard”

Consequently, to be without respect is to not have regard for the person you are dealing with or take their feelings into consideration – in other words, they mean NOTHING to you and I shudder more.

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© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Real Fathers’ Day

I hear a lot of people say so many things about some ‘fathers’ (men inclusive), calling them sperm donors, run-away fathers etc. They must have their reasons for saying that and I respect it. Be that as it may, I may have to agree with them that some of such ‘fathers’ deserve these names, because they “tangoed” and walked away, leaving the work of fathering to the woman alone. In my culture, a typical run-away father isn’t really bothered because he knows that the children will look for him, by bugging the living daylights out of their mum till she gives them answers. He is satisfied that no matter how long, they will look for him. They will want to bear his name (if they are not or trace his lineage) or one of those reasons.

Is he bothered that he didn’t play any part in their lives? No, sometimes, maybe! Does he regret walking away – depends on the circumstance. Does he make any attempt to make up for the lost years – some do.

I don’t have a run-away father or fathers, so I can’t really give an excuse for or fight one. So today, I am celebrating my Dad, my King and other men for being real Fathers. I tried yesterday to give King all the attention, because if truth be told, the Heritage do take up my world – except when it’s just both of us. Today, I’m committing to giving him all my attention as much as I can, so help me God. Amen!

Being the best father and dad has been easy simply because u’ve been beside me all these years, helping me through all the tough times in life. I sure would have been a big … if I were alone; with u, all things are made beautiful and fatherhood is made sweet. I’m proud to be the father in ur home. Thank you for celebrating me.

– King

For once, the wordsmith was lost for words (again) and I simply said “Awwwwww now ur making me blush n glow change colors! Thank you!”

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My apologies to all who feel slighted by my comments and on the other hand, I’d like to hear your opinion on the matter. Is walking away worth all the trouble it breeds in future? Is it worth the estranged relationship between you and your child (ren)

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.