Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

It pays to listen, He is always speaking…

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Photo 101

Photo Rehab #1

Slain but still standing
Slain but still standing

Okay Lucile you win…

You really know how to pull me in. It’s no secret that I love pictures and yup I had withdrawal symptoms too but I guess I covered it up with other stuffs.

I took this picture with my faithful Samsung Duos phone (I love the pix it gives) when we went to Ife last year December. This tree is situated behind my senior sister’s home. I found it intriguing, as I noticed the tree had been cut down and burnt yet it was still standing. Also it seem each limb was struggling to rule over the other. But we will never know, if only trees could speak my language!

There’s another angle I took of it though…maybe I’ll add that in subsequent ones.

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Writer’s Quote Wednesday


For the l ❤ ve of Books and Words

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I’m not sure who really the author of this quote is, as I saw many “Andrew Wolfe”, hence I don’t have anything to say about him. Forgive me 🙂

But I truly loved it that he equated ‘words’ with LOVE. Thinking about it, it would not only be EMPTY, it would be boring and lifeless and every other word that signifies deadness. Knowing this, I choose my words carefully because if I feel love, I would want my readers to experience every emotion I felt in that state and if it was a kiss (and a glorious one at that!), you’d truly want to be kissed when I’m done writing about….

For me, the ability to make your readers feel everything you feel whilst writing, is a gift we writers should hold in awe!

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Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thoughts

It’s all about celebrating each season and learning from it the lessons it brings.

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Ekpang Nkwukwo

Humming … “I can only imagine”

Yes o! I can only imagine the multitude of people salivating at my topic. Well, that is relative and dependent on my crowd being mostly Nigerians and a few people outside Naija and Africa who know what I’m talking about.

My friends (FK and Lucille) and I had a discussion about a dish I could cook and I chose Ekpang Nkwukwo amongst so many more. To ensure it wasn’t just about something I picked up from the net and forwarded, I made up my mind to cook the main thing and send via web to them. I’m so looking forward to the time when you can cyber-taste food, so Lucille won’t have to travel all the way and neither would I.

Dear Dream Readers, here’s what I came up with and for your information, the Periwinkle is for FK alone as she plans to cook Ekpang Nkwukwo also, but can’t seem to find Periwinkle to add – so I’m sending her these. Hope it will suffice FK. *wink*.

I guess most of you would want to know the process and the ingredients to use, so I’ll suggest this link to you. Don’t tell FK I said this, but that’s where she’s learning to cook hers. LOL

Periwinkle aka Mfi
Periwinkle aka Mfi

Getting cooked with other ingredients
Getting cooked with other ingredients

As for the final thing, I can only give you a plate, as I have so many mouths waiting to enjoy it with me. Besides, I made mine a bit dry, so by the time you add enough liquid to get the porridge, it should go round everyone that wants to taste. I trust I made your evening pleasurable.

Behold...Ekpang Nkwukwo
Behold…Ekpang Nkwukwo

Pray tell, how did it taste, what would you like for me to cook for you next time?

© 2015. Imanikingblog. All rights reserved.

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday

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When Two Elephants Fight

Nigerian MapI heard this saying when I was really young…I’m not that old either, but I have progressed steadily in the growth department for some years now, don’t let my looks deceive you… and it said “When two Elephants fight, the grass gets hurt.”

For the life of me, what prompted the Elephants to fight? Were they trying to share the forest and one laid claims to more lands than necessary, given the harvest his own end of the forest was bringing? OR Was it a case of wife-snatching? Just my ‘crazy’ mind doing what it knows best, thinking out loud, so as to hear another’s opinion. Not like I will take it o! But then who knows?

Thinking about it, are they not supposed to fight in a ring? Why on the poor grass? Who is their referee? Who organised the fight? All these ‘Whos’ you say, yes I need to know. What brought about the fight? Who stands to gain when the storm is over? Hmmm.

I have seen many DPs and appeal for and against the two main parties in the race. Some are really hilarious 🙂 and gets one thinking when all is said and done, what will we gain from all the bad-blood we have generated amongst ourselves. Why are we letting the Elephants use us to achieve their selfish/unselfish gains? If they are Men enough as they claim, let them speak for themselves. What do they REALLY have to offer us…we have had enough of bogus promises and no show. We’ve had enough of THREATS and actually TERROR. We want our GRASS back and GREEN the way it used to be before all of these madness (including those of years past). I think it is time the GRASS became slippery, so that by the time both Elephants fall and rise from fighting instead of focusing, they will acknowledge HER.

In the meanwhile, February 14th is on the way, what will your vote say? I rest my case…just for today anyway.

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Writer’s Quote Wednesday


Today, I attempted to add a media to my quote and I hope I got it :). Arrow Season 1, episode 13 has a quote I found very interesting and it reads: Arrow Season 1 episode 13 – VIEW 22:45 to 23:50

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I found this quote particularly interesting because Oliver Queen being stranded on an Island meets another stranger, Slade Wilson, and he begins training him almost on the spot. It’s beyond the sword fight, it’s the taunt that ‘provokes’ Oliver eventually to learn how to fight. More than that, I thought this saying, KEEP YOUR BLADE UP ALWAYS STAY BEHIND YOUR SWORD reminds us to always stick to and stay with what offers us protection. As a writer, my sword is my pen and I’m sticking to it. Then again, if you are ever going to have my back dear friend, I need to know you can cover it. *wink* Cheers!

*Movie clip credits:

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Freedom Fridays Rant

Freedom Friday

FK for President

It’s Freedom FridayProudly Nigeria

Thank you! Thank you my fiple (people) for all the acknowledgements, kwad bless.

I have watched, read and listened with interest and disinterest (because some of your speeches are really boring, and apart from the many figures/long list of ‘facts’, they are full of lies). So today I’m offering you a new candidate. Away with the OLD and in with the NEW!

FK for PRESIDENT! My ‘poor’ (not literal) FK, she must be red in the face with shock that I’m selling her manifesto to the public. Why won’t I, when we have had it up to our necks with different ideologies and stories and want out! E don do, make una no deceive us again! Wetin!? Is it because we have refused to say anything? Actually, this is the problem with us, but you can’t blame us for being quiet because when we attempted it, we were teargased, thrown in jail and arrested for being bold. Who wants to spend February 14th in Jail? I’d rather be on the queue voting fo rmy beloved FK, than watching some sombre-looking wall with my hands clutching to brownish bars that are not letting me out any time soon.

Wait a moment? Are we not trading our freedom for some invisible bars that will prevent freedom of this and that (please fill the space yourself)? My Pastor shared something on Sunday and the wisdom in it was out of this world and I will share with you. King Solomon was faced with declaring judgement over two women and a baby. Because he was blessed with divine wisdom he was able to choose right and hand the baby over to the woman who would rather give the baby to the other, than watch them divide the child. That’s the heart of a real mother. I said that to say this, anything or anyone that seeks to divide us is not the real mother of the child. A word is enough for the wise and while you are still trying to understand the wisdom of King Solomon, please remember to come out on February 14th and vote for my FK.

In-between: Who fixed the election for that day sef? Not like I do my love on a special day o! I am love personified, oozing from every pore of mine, so I’m not bothered about this fixture.

What is it with all these trading insults and ‘secrets’ across the net about each candidate? Is that what they have to offer us? Just asking o! Oga-in-charge of PR, won’t you change your modus operandi?

Oops, I forgot to state what FK has to offer us:

  • Justice
  • A voice to the helpless
  • Enlightenment which will aid us in informed decisions
  • Diversification of power
  • Change for the better
  • Functional reward system for TRUE heroes (emphasis on TRUE…not politically chosen heroes)
  • No more Aso-ebi (she will sue me for adding this). But FK, seriously, if you ban Aso-ebi, women will not vote for you…don’t worry, you have my vote already.
  • Opportunities for sensible people to be in charge
  • Broad-based Grassroot Democracy
  • Full implementation of MDGs

By the way, we haven’t decided what our party will be called, seeing that all the other politicians have taken all the 26 ALPHABETS…who does that?! Okay, we will use names of all the Kings in the Land (her suggestion), and I think that will be a unique selling point that we have powers that be behind us and our Free-for-All Party; besides by the time you see your village chief’s name as a Political Party, you will vote, knowing your interest is being taken into consideration.

On a more serious note, regardless of how well coated each leader’s story is, put it through the litmus test and watch the result. But then, if you have ROI in their success, you will vote against good conscience. Anyhow, Oluwa is involved and He will settle this matter! Enjoy your Friday!

PS: We share the same initial by the way. What’s your take on this Folakemi?

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Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Creating yesterday’s memories today in ways I won’t regret them

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