Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

I was meant to post my Weekly Small Pleasures yesterday, but didn’t have it written down – only in my heart and I’m wondering…

#Weekly Small Pleasures

What do you say when your week was tiring
And the people overbearing,
When all you felt like doing was escape
To a place with no landscape
Not because you hate humanity
But needed peace in the midst of insanity
What pleasures are there in a week so dire?
When a warm bath and massage would seem fair.
My week may not have been so bright
Yet because I got life and living it out

These are pleasures I celebrate!
Just so I don’t become an ingrate,
These moments of joy are worth sharing
A Blogging friend whose pictures are daring
A mention as a motivation to inspire
Write free, thus aiming higher!
A birthday Cake, Card and a gift
For someone who keeps watch over my kids
These sound like Weekly BIG pleasures to me
What did your week offer thee?

© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

lovely-blog_thumbKing Earl    Imani & King EarlIMG00014-20141013-1404-Red


Well, my week was full of gifts and fun.
From the union where two became one
Before our eyes and behind the scenes
That had the King in 3-piece and a ring bearer be
And the Princess a suitable escort in bow so Pink
With a black dress sparkling in dots of silver like stained ink
To my feet clad in ferragamo so red I couldn’t hate
For a gift it was and the timing wasn’t late.
Lest I forget and ungrateful get
One Lovely Blog Award I also got!
Pray tell, give us a feel
How pleasurable was your week?

© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Mondays

I love poems!

I find them romantic…though not that all the poems I have written or received are. Yet there’s something warm (about the good ones I mean), that makes it feel like a caress sweeping over your being, as it replays the words that have been written and sent your way. I guess it’s the spirit behind the word, the emotions the person felt while writing, that jump at you and do those things you feel or hate to feel – like the feeling from reading an angry poem.

I have met so many people I love very much, who have written me a couple of poems. I might include their names or not. But IF and WHEN they read it, they will know they are appreciated. This is for you!

As I sit and ponder
My heart begins to wonder
Like unwanted letters from a familiar sender
Through my mind, thoughts begin to wander.
‘Vulnerability’ and ‘openness’,
Exposure and perhaps rottenness
The mystery of friendship
That promises a vital relationship.
How can one touch my heart so?
Walking through barriers, is this friend or foe?
Unbidden, secret doors to my hidden places on their hinges turn,
Like that of the prodigal’s room, upon his return.
An unsettling place I find myself
This issue I can’t place on the shelf.
Dare I hope as I take this bend?
Dare I ask: can we be friends?
Fictional Fridays Freedom Fridays

Freedom Fridays

Hey Dream Reader,

It’s been a while I sent you anything personal, not because I have forgotten about you (I heard you say with sadness, “so soon!”)

…but I’ve been writing and posting, whilst hoping that I have touched your heart and exceeded your expectation.

Well, I’m not sure where I am with you right now, but you know what? I won’t stop trying. Remember “Pursuit is the proof of desire” – Mike Murdock.

So here’s the deal.

I’m thinking of starting a regular feature which I will tag Fictional Friday or Freedom Fridays…but as you can see from my topic I’m tilting towards one already. This feature will comprise of any and everything I can come up with, from just pictures, to letters, to more poems, short stories or perhaps a song…hope I can post a video someday. *wink*

Alternatively, I’ll do both.

I need to hear your opinion which name do you prefer?

© 2014 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

#Weekly Small Pleasures

I’m not sure if these pleasures are small
As the joys they give me scream for more
It began with some ‘mischief’ from my son
And the innocent look that says “I’m sorry Mum”


To his light feathery kiss that caps it all
And the step back with a look that asks, “Do you want more?”
It’s the squeal of delight from a delicious bite
As the jam blends in with the sausages
Making every inch of the pancake just right
A stomach filled and hunger assuaged
Pleasures that soar in differing height
From things and people of all ages.

Picture Credits: Google –

© 2014 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Blogging 101 Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

In Gratitude

Grateful to You that while I sought TIME,
You added life and gave me a LIFETIME.
I looked in time and saw a NEVER
You changed my view with its FOREVER
I wondered, “is it me or another?”
You answered, “made just for you, my daughter.”
Got reasons to be thankful
That for all I’ve lost I’m still full.
For every other morn, the sky’s blue
Making my heated day cool.
And for all who’ve left
You keep blessing me with the best.
So in gratitude I say
Thanks for always making my day.

© 2004 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

The Truth Serum

You’ve come into possession of one vial of truth serum. Who would you give it to (with the person’s consent, of course) — and what questions would you ask?

Hahahahahahaha and that’s me laughing with a mischievous look on my face and twinkle in my eyes, as I try to imagine who I would give The Truth Serum to. I’m not sure about getting the person’s consent though, because he might not give it to me 😦

Why would I do that or why wouldn’t he give it to me? The second question begs an answer, because he has some things tucked away and he doesn’t want me finding out about them even if they don’t matter now.

Hmmm …

So who will my next ‘victim’ be (please note, I’m using this word in a positive light)…LOL. For Heaven’s sakes I didn’t cook up this prompt, you did! So pardon my ‘crazy’ mind doing many things this evening. I’m loving this so much that I’m almost screaming.

Okay, let’s get serious. But no names wink

That polite security would get some, I’d love to know what he really would say to me if he was the boss.

That person that started out saying something wild, stopped midway and gave another example, I’d love to hear the first example.

What does my house-keeper REALLY have to say to me, when she’s spoilt my evening and I’m upset yet she maintains the blank look on her face?

I’ll give it to that person who always looks very angry when he sees me but I suspect secretly likes me but can’t afford to let his guard down as it would be preposterous. Oh my goodness, what got that thought into my head!

Maybe, I could give it to an object, like the sofa in the living room. My Heritage (children) are always jumping on it; I’d love to hear what the sofa has to say to them and allow them hear it too. It will definitely reduce or stop the jumps.

Now, I’m not sure I really want to know anymore…what a world it would be knowing someone else’s thought. Phew!

What would you do if you had one?

© 2014 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101 Rant

The Great Divide

When reading for fun, do you usually choose fiction or non-fiction? Do you have an idea why you prefer one over the other?

Really! Like seriously? Is there really a great divide between anything?

My take?

I’ll stick to the “there’s a thin line school-of-thought”, because it’s almost seamless moving from one to the next.

And what am I ranting about today? You asked why I choose to read FICTION over NON-FICTION, who told you I even make that choice. As a voracious reader, I read anything as long as it is interesting, why should I limit myself to only one side of the fun, when there are other exciting worlds outside of my limited view. Why get stuck up with the same boring tasteless read when I can find excitement, have endless fun weaving through other minds.

I read both Fiction and Non-Fiction depending on what my reading conquest is at the moment. From my point of view, Fiction is actually Non-Fiction viewed through Rose-coloured glasses, where you try to hide the real event or identity of the persons involved just so you can tell their story and they don’t get mad at you. Ask The Bestman, he’d know better.

And since you are keen on finding out dear WordPress 🙂 , when I require FUN, I don’t read, I unravel my puzzles…now how’s that for another prompt? wink

Blogging 101

Be Inspired By the Community

25th Sept’s assignment: write a post that builds on one of the comments you left yesterday. Don’t forget to link to the other blog!

It seemed a rather difficult decision choosing which blog to use on this assignment, so I decided to use both. “Two for the price of one” they say.

Why did I do that? Since you asked, I will oblige you.

You see, they are different yet similar in a way. One talks about being honest and the other about having a Mask on. I’ve always been intrigued by the Mask wink not because I have something to hide, or maybe I do…but it’s a fascinating item to own literally. In his article ‘The problem with our masks’, debooWORKS was referring to our acceptance of something we should fight or revolt against. Say-it-like-it-is kind of thing and that links my second blog story. Here luciledegodoy takes us through the journey of friendship and how truths are or should be told.

On these, I hinge my thoughts. Much as I refer to myself as one who derives pleasure in saying truths and telling it as it is, those who really know me know that rather than tell a lie, I am silent. That way they get their answers. 🙂 But thinking about it, does that exonerate me from the crime associated with my silence? We are told that ‘Silence means consent’…have I consented to their misbehaviour? Like debooWORKS surmised “it is almost impossible to be honest all the time, but we must strive for this all the time”.

Going through luciledegodoy’s comments and replies, I deduced (and I’m of this school of thought too) that I’d rather let you know my thoughts on what is going on, but I’m somewhat careful about the delivery and timing (sometimes)…sometimes I say it when it happens because after that time, it will lose the effect. I equally try to weigh the aura and your mood before I continue.

However, there are things that need to be addressed instantly. So I ask, how do you tell a friend she has Halitosis or body odour? When is the right time? If not now?

I haven’t been able to do the Halitosis frankness yet (I’m not sure how it will be received or how to go about it…except if it’s a family person). But for the body odour, I usually would ask if you repeated a shirt or top or if your deodorant is finished…and yes they appreciate it. Maybe because I don’t shout it across the room, but use the right tone and show genuine concern which is necessary too. Other times, you ask and then assist the person with funds to get it.

…what’s your take on it?

Blogging 101 Change Life

Dream Reader

Dear Dream Reader,

I know dreams come when one is asleep and their thoughts wander into another realm. That means for you to read what I have to say, you will have to be in my realm and that realm is called

I do not promise to take you to realms I’ve never been before, nor give you a ride through terrains unfamiliar to me. Yes, they might be unknown to you but if you come with me, I do promise to paint my world in colours and pictures that even the blind can see. Create rhythms so sweet that the deaf understand and tap their feet to it while nodding to its beat.

How will I achieve this?

Remember I’m all about Life (the good, the bad and the ugly…with its’ realities), Love and Laughter.
In Letters, Poetry, Stories, Articles about me, my children, experiences, beliefs etc. Smile

I’ll paint you a world I pray will satisfy your need for wandering with me in my realm.

I hear and know ‘dreams do come true’ and I hope I make yours so! And if you wish for more, please could you let me know…I don’t mind trying out new frontiers too.

Waiting for your response.

Your dream blogger.

* Assignment for Blogging 101 – 18th Sept 2014

*Smiling face from