Articles People I've met Rant Relationships The Word

And My Faith Grew…

Today, I had an interesting conversation with one of my very dear friends. She was in a dilemma of some sort and honestly, as of today, I couldn’t offer her the assistance she needed (she knew, but still came to me). I thought about it and as we spoke, I knew why.

You see, we have different friends that play several and differing roles in our lives. She has her role in mine and it is a balanced one. Today, she needed to unburden her heart and ensure that I knew where she was at. Beyond that, she needed sound counsel from me. By the way, I have friends we gist and laugh a lot, but at some other times, I just call them up to rant and talk endlessly. They would sit quietly and let me unburden and then pray with me. Cool right? You should have one or two of those I tell you. Before you run off, you should be one of those to someone too!

As we spoke, I could feel her tend towards hopelessness and I remembered that a few months back, we had a conversation and after that we prayed and I said to God after the call, “don’t embarrass Yourself o! I’ve told her she will get an answer from You!” I won’t lie, she needed that answer in a few days and though I promised her on His behalf that it will happen. I had my own questions. Hmmm.

Why? You ask, ‘did I do that?’
Because I know I had spoken His Word and His Word is who He is.
I knew He would respond to His Word
I had faith in her faith…the way she said the ‘amen’ was something else, so I believed more than I prayed. That’s why I told Him, I had done my part, He should do His.
And oh yes, HE DID!

As we spoke today, I reminded her that the God who did that then isn’t bankrupt and doesn’t need an account, so we can’t say He’s run out of money. I shared how we are told that ‘you reap what you sow, but in many folds’. Then the Holy Spirit said to me “If you sow beans and you don’t need beans, you will get what you need”. The scriptures in Philippians 4:19 jumped at me “And my God shall fulfill every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” I said to her, “Yes, I may have sowed a bean seed, but if I need a house, that’s what I will get as long as my faith is in place” and I never thought about it till we had today’s discussion.

We gisted about my Shoe-Faith. What is “Shoe-Faith”? Whenever I need shoes (whatever kind), I simply just say to God (no formality to it), I need a pair of shoe (or shoes), state the height of the heel, the kind (canvas or work shoe or flats etc) and the quantity and He gives me more! I also noticed that the same goes for phones, I’ve never bought myself a phone (definitely for the Heritage – my children, and the house) but I’m always given a phone. My last phone had been begging to be changed because the memory was always full. So I told Him about it and viola! It came. So with phones and shoes, all I need do is ask Him. Once, He said to me, why don’t you use that Shoe-Faith for every other thing you need. I wish I could, it’s so easy with shoes (or so I think), but it just faith at work. And it works all the time.

After all these *tory. We prayed and by the time the call ended, even the walls knew a different person was on the other end of the line. Her voice sounded lighter and I could feel her faith tangibly!

My pastor says it all the time, “Faith is Rest” and I’m resting and enjoying the fruit of the labour Christ finished on the Cross, how about you?

*tory means gist

@imanikel 12042023 (c) Frances Kelvin Otung

Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – Count on One

I’m excited that I’m pushing beyond the ‘no-inspiration’ zone and doing this fresh. Someone’s got to be thanked for this. wink

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Articles Thankful Thursday

#ThankfulThursday – You!

Today I choose to celebrate a friend indeed, who is one in millions. We do have our moments, but have grown to understand each other’s idiosyncrasies and enjoy our silliness. This is me saying thank you for always…you are appreciated!

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved


Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – Last Words?

If you had a parting word (s) for someone special or one that ‘annoys’ you, what will it  be? Why did I call them parting words, because these words will remain with that person till you meet again. Would it be something you smile about everything you remembered them? Just asking…

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Challenge Haiku

An Ally for the Cold

Though I’m late with this week’s haiku, I’m not missing Ronovan’s challenge for anything. I keep wondering how he comes up with the words he brings, so contrasting yet by the time I started writing, I’m awed!

The Loss

Throbbing pain hits frame

Peace from an Ally, comforts

Giving Joy not loss

A Reassurance

I will be with you

Though the tremor comes to stay

I’ll guide you dear one.

Picture source:

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved



Lyrical Mondays

#LyricalMonday – From Ebony to Ivory

My friend Ebony wrote me this poem many years back. Then I think we had pulled apart a bit, can’t remember the reason for that friction but it was something that shook us. Being a deep person as she is, I couldn’t fathom how we allowed a 3rd-party spoil our friendship. This was like a reassurance that all was well.

We are far apart now (distance-wise), but our friendship is one you know that will last many oceans and seas. She was around recently (though briefly), but it felt like we never parted. To all those out there that maintain friendship regardless of years past/distance creation, this is for you!

Hello Ivory,
How have you been?
How have you really been?
Just using this medium to express the position of my heart
It’s been so long since we bonded
And it’s beginning to look like the bands are destroyed
But that devil is a liar
I miss you so much that even words cannot express
You know sometimes I lay back and I ask myself what ever happened to us
What ever happened to our cords that cannot be broken?
What happened to our hearts being open?
What happened to our going out of our way?
To make sure the other is okay
Or maybe just doing things for the fun of it
And creating memories so we can flashback as we sit
I want you to know that you are one of my priceless jewels
You are the one I call ‘Pearl’
Because you are lustrous and greatly prized for that
You are usually white and people are attracted to that fact
You are very rare and very precious
Your fragrance is like Jasmine
Warm and very temperate
Produced with white flowers
You are like an antique in my museum
You are a souvenir on my shelf
And you are the fair part of myself
You know that we can’t be separated
I’m the chocolate and you are the ice-cream
I’m poured all over you
And there’s nothing you can do
That’s why you are IVORY
You are delicate
And your milky color depicts your softness
I’ve always known that you were tender
How could I have treated you with such stiffness, I ponder
But then I remember
That I am Ebony
And my blackness stands for hardness
That’s why our blend is perfect
And whichever way
Two can play
When you are so sensitive and vulnerable
My hardness creates a balance
And when I’m so stiff and stubborn
Your tenderness and softness fulfills that instance
Sometimes we exchange our roles
And we always come out with a spark
Not “Gordon spark”
The reality I have for you
Is one that can’t be tarnished or finished
It flows from the depths of “forever”
And it will spun the whole world until it finds its rest in you
All I’m trying to say is that you mean a lot to me
And just like the sky
You are a constant in my life
People may come and go
But you will always stay
You might stray
But I know you’ll bring back a lot of pay
Because no one is graced to take that place
And run that race
It is a fierce and rocky journey
And I need you to keep up the pace
You are like an ink stain
On a white piece of cloth, very conspicuous
I could keep on
But whatever my heart says is summed up in these four sweet words

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Articles Life


Going through my reader today. I saw this post by SeasonedSistah2 and I said to myself this matters to her and so matters to me, as truly the battle against Cancer cannot be fought by one person alone.

Today, I’m joining that campaign and standing beside her (across many oceans I must say) to encourage her in this journey of recovery and fight and say because she’s involved, We Can. I Can.

I took a pix of my hand just to be part of it. wink

© 2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Articles People I've met Stories

What’s your story?

story1-300x191Every one has a story to tell. The “Once-upon-a-time-stories” always end with “and they lived happily ever after” but that’s in the kiddies books you know! In life, it sometimes starts bad, middle good and end bad. Other times its simply yummy…and I love those yummy seasons. Though I won’t deny that the rough times, groom me and toughen me up while increasing my faith. Loving on you Jesus!

But in all the different episodes that life gives you, I will always encourage you to look for the lesson, learn it well and fast and move on to the next page. There’s so much joy to discover, don’t get stuck in the rut and live your whole life on Act 1 Scene 1 alone. Move on! Explore! LIVE!

Today, I’ll post a link to a friend’s story and how it has made her view life differently and decide to help people she meets and also improve herself. Kash, (I call her ‘Cheque’, don’t tell her I said so. LOL. But she knows that already) is one person you want as a member of your crew. She is a willing help/helper. Always follows-up to see if you have concluded on the assignment. Is she all yummy like that? Nope, she is a people-reader and so tries to relate with you accordingly, though still showing her sweet nature until you intentionally ‘push’ her away with your bad attitude.

Was she always this nice? I guess not! Would you like to know how she got changed? I bet you do! What are you waiting for? Go read and if you want me to hear what you have to say, please share your story.

Please don’t forget to vote for her by clicking on the ❤ sign, if you love what you read and I’m hoping you will like I did!

Enjoy your evening!

Picture source:

©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday – Let’s start afresh

As I sat today reading through the points for prayers, some thoughts came to my mind and it occured to me. As humans, we have the tendency (always do this) to take the known for granted, treat it as commonplace and not be bothered by the trouble we went through to secure that relationship, job or friendship. I’m not sure what you have treated thus, but the attitude for me today is a fresh start.

More like saying Happy New Year again…or happy new beginnings. I’m going through the sweet people in my life…those that make me smile, cry or wonder why and I’m making a decision to RE-vive, RE-invent, RE-fire! Speaking of FIRE,

I read something this morning by SALT (366 Random Musing & Reflections with the Desperate Naija Woman) and she said

Fire is…Pure. There is no additive. No contamination. No dilution. Are you? Is your eye single? Am I pure in thought, word and deed? Am I consistent and uncompromising? Fire does not cut corners. It goes straight for the jugular. It does not bend it rules for anyone. It is consistent. Are you? Am I?

While you are deciding what course to take, let’s start afresh and to my ‘dream readers’ I’m back!

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©2016. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Articles Lyrical Mondays Relationships

#Lyrical Monday – Gratitude

I sat and thought how quickly the year and passed by and said to tell you, “You are appreciated, even when I don’t say it often. I wrote this just now to say Love you I do! ❤ “

Today, I choose to be more grateful than usual
Things may have ended in ways I find brutal
People indeed showed their different colours
In shades I didn’t always adore with fading pallor
The ones I truly loved gave the heart a cut so deep
Those I couldn’t be bothered for, didn’t care when there was a beep
My faith in people, things, and structures was shaken
But it’s foundation in God was not forsaken

Today after all has been said and done
Some hearts won and others torn
I am thankful, I still have you and you
And how I managed that? Ain’t got a clue!
I might not be the best me there is just yet
But no matter how you search, it’s just one you’ll find I bet!
So let’s do what makes us click like the sounds of crystals sweet
Like run on the beach with sands and water running through our bare feet.

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved