Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

It’s been a long while I shared my #weekly small pleasures.
I’ve had smiles, hugs, ‘mummy, I love you’ to treasure
Reminders came from friends and family
Telling me how much they mean to me
The Lord chastises those He loves
I could feel this touch as I strove
With the things that made me cry
As I gave it one more try
In all, I am surrounded by all that matters,
People who show to keep my heart from tatters.

I attempted to detox with Pears, Apples, Pawpaw and Watermelon
Tall Glass of Watermelon & Chapman

Had a tall glass of watermelon with ice cubes and filled with a chapman drink another day.

Pictures from: (Photography by Steve Brown)

© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

My #Weekly Small Pleasures for the past week was rooted in family and some sweet loving time worshipping God.

For one, my Mummy was around and boy I missed an opportunity to snap pictures with her. We went together for The Experience 9th Edition and my Heritage came too. Yes, there were a lot of “mummy, I want this or that…carry me…I want Daddy…he’s singing, I want to meet him on stage and etc”. But it was fun all the same.

Though I didn’t take pictures with Mummy, I did take some with my sister, my friend Otibhor (before the programme) while others danced on and tried filming a part of the Experience Concert, which I couldn’t upload here.

Like Mani, I caught the sneezing bug but I’m better now. Yep, we got to rest for a few days after the concert though it was a working break, I enjoyed it!

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures


This week has been quite delightful…it seemed that God gave me a blank cheque. Well, for starters I was blessed with a new phone Yippee…still dancing. Amidst promises of more gifts…so looking forward to it. And you know what it’s helping with my Photography 101 assignments and the pictures are just gorgeous I show you some just so you get the feel wink

Flowers by the step leading into the Cathedral
Flowers by the step leading into the Cathedral
Flowers on the side of the building

My friend got a gift he had been praying for for his birthday too…double high five.

And I got answers to prayers I hadn’t made yet…so you see why I’m all excited about my week. I decided not to do so much pictures but tell you how it was. How was your week?

How could I have forgotten to mention this. Yesterday as I walked out of the door to go to work, my really cute, well-spoken son ran after me…stopped me in my tracks gave me a kiss. As I hurried out, he called me back, gave me a very warm and big hug and stopped me yet again to give me a handshake before saying …”See you later mummy.” And I was wondering what I did right that morning to get all these affection… such always go to daddy! I love him ❤

© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

That I’ve been away from #weeklysmallpleasures doesn’t mean I have been without pleasure.

The mere thought of that sends joy down my spines.

From a myriad of celebrations of cousins and people I love

Dumebi, Toyin and I Sunday following my birthday

To mine, done to celebrate the dawn of a new era

Birthday cake

Ending with an outing to a private movie premiere

Photo Credits:
Photo Credits:

Plus gifts from India wrapped with so much love and weighing really heavy

From India with love
From India with love

I won’t talk much today hope the pictures told the stories.


Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

I was meant to post my Weekly Small Pleasures yesterday, but didn’t have it written down – only in my heart and I’m wondering…

#Weekly Small Pleasures

What do you say when your week was tiring
And the people overbearing,
When all you felt like doing was escape
To a place with no landscape
Not because you hate humanity
But needed peace in the midst of insanity
What pleasures are there in a week so dire?
When a warm bath and massage would seem fair.
My week may not have been so bright
Yet because I got life and living it out

These are pleasures I celebrate!
Just so I don’t become an ingrate,
These moments of joy are worth sharing
A Blogging friend whose pictures are daring
A mention as a motivation to inspire
Write free, thus aiming higher!
A birthday Cake, Card and a gift
For someone who keeps watch over my kids
These sound like Weekly BIG pleasures to me
What did your week offer thee?

© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

lovely-blog_thumbKing Earl    Imani & King EarlIMG00014-20141013-1404-Red


Well, my week was full of gifts and fun.
From the union where two became one
Before our eyes and behind the scenes
That had the King in 3-piece and a ring bearer be
And the Princess a suitable escort in bow so Pink
With a black dress sparkling in dots of silver like stained ink
To my feet clad in ferragamo so red I couldn’t hate
For a gift it was and the timing wasn’t late.
Lest I forget and ungrateful get
One Lovely Blog Award I also got!
Pray tell, give us a feel
How pleasurable was your week?

© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

Weekly Small Pleasures

#Weekly Small Pleasures

I’m not sure if these pleasures are small
As the joys they give me scream for more
It began with some ‘mischief’ from my son
And the innocent look that says “I’m sorry Mum”


To his light feathery kiss that caps it all
And the step back with a look that asks, “Do you want more?”
It’s the squeal of delight from a delicious bite
As the jam blends in with the sausages
Making every inch of the pancake just right
A stomach filled and hunger assuaged
Pleasures that soar in differing height
From things and people of all ages.

Picture Credits: Google –

© 2014 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.

Blogging 101 Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

In Gratitude

Grateful to You that while I sought TIME,
You added life and gave me a LIFETIME.
I looked in time and saw a NEVER
You changed my view with its FOREVER
I wondered, “is it me or another?”
You answered, “made just for you, my daughter.”
Got reasons to be thankful
That for all I’ve lost I’m still full.
For every other morn, the sky’s blue
Making my heated day cool.
And for all who’ve left
You keep blessing me with the best.
So in gratitude I say
Thanks for always making my day.

© 2004 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101

The Truth Serum

You’ve come into possession of one vial of truth serum. Who would you give it to (with the person’s consent, of course) — and what questions would you ask?

Hahahahahahaha and that’s me laughing with a mischievous look on my face and twinkle in my eyes, as I try to imagine who I would give The Truth Serum to. I’m not sure about getting the person’s consent though, because he might not give it to me 😦

Why would I do that or why wouldn’t he give it to me? The second question begs an answer, because he has some things tucked away and he doesn’t want me finding out about them even if they don’t matter now.

Hmmm …

So who will my next ‘victim’ be (please note, I’m using this word in a positive light)…LOL. For Heaven’s sakes I didn’t cook up this prompt, you did! So pardon my ‘crazy’ mind doing many things this evening. I’m loving this so much that I’m almost screaming.

Okay, let’s get serious. But no names wink

That polite security would get some, I’d love to know what he really would say to me if he was the boss.

That person that started out saying something wild, stopped midway and gave another example, I’d love to hear the first example.

What does my house-keeper REALLY have to say to me, when she’s spoilt my evening and I’m upset yet she maintains the blank look on her face?

I’ll give it to that person who always looks very angry when he sees me but I suspect secretly likes me but can’t afford to let his guard down as it would be preposterous. Oh my goodness, what got that thought into my head!

Maybe, I could give it to an object, like the sofa in the living room. My Heritage (children) are always jumping on it; I’d love to hear what the sofa has to say to them and allow them hear it too. It will definitely reduce or stop the jumps.

Now, I’m not sure I really want to know anymore…what a world it would be knowing someone else’s thought. Phew!

What would you do if you had one?

© 2014 Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved

Blogging 101 Rant

The Great Divide

When reading for fun, do you usually choose fiction or non-fiction? Do you have an idea why you prefer one over the other?

Really! Like seriously? Is there really a great divide between anything?

My take?

I’ll stick to the “there’s a thin line school-of-thought”, because it’s almost seamless moving from one to the next.

And what am I ranting about today? You asked why I choose to read FICTION over NON-FICTION, who told you I even make that choice. As a voracious reader, I read anything as long as it is interesting, why should I limit myself to only one side of the fun, when there are other exciting worlds outside of my limited view. Why get stuck up with the same boring tasteless read when I can find excitement, have endless fun weaving through other minds.

I read both Fiction and Non-Fiction depending on what my reading conquest is at the moment. From my point of view, Fiction is actually Non-Fiction viewed through Rose-coloured glasses, where you try to hide the real event or identity of the persons involved just so you can tell their story and they don’t get mad at you. Ask The Bestman, he’d know better.

And since you are keen on finding out dear WordPress 🙂 , when I require FUN, I don’t read, I unravel my puzzles…now how’s that for another prompt? wink