
Happy 2nd Blogging Anniversary

anniversary-2x6266 hits

346 posts

2 drafts

2739 visitors

170 best view on June 5th (I’m wondering what I wrote about that day πŸ™‚ )

1178 highest views (in the US). My own country is 3rd place πŸ™‚

Happy 2nd anniversary to me yesterday on WordPress and I didn’t even realise it. I’m grateful for the views, the numbers, the ability to still write regardless of how I felt. Beyond that, I am overwhelmed by the friends I have made, the lives I have connected with and impacted (I hope) and the cultures I’ve been part of and the thrills they have given me.

Thank you Team WordPress …you Rock!

Here’s to more sweet years ahead with friends and readers and new ones. Let’s do this right!

Β©2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.


The Versatile Award

It seems someone missed me during my period of absence from the blog world :). I’ve been away for soooo long and yet I got an award. Now that makes me feel ‘guilty’. So I’m back berryduchess (my red lipstick loving blog friend) wink, thank you for making me a part of this fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your 7 facts.

So here are the rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them.


My 7 Facts:

  1. I love good tasty food (must be spicy, if it’s not salad) and experimenting with them at the same time.20150330_205330_LLS 20150330_205943_LLS
  2. If you wake me up and ask for a poem or a write up, I can easily work it…of course, like every writer, I have the block to deal with occasionally, sometimes for long πŸ™‚
    1. My first poems did not have rhyming scheme till my friend Ayus told me to try to rhyming and since then writing a poem without rhyming is difficult but I sailed through my Writing 201 – Poetry
  3. I love listening to children and talking with them. I find their conversation rather intriguing. Check out some of my conversations with them in Project Laughter
  4. Apart from series which I love a lot like berryduchess, I enjoy cartoons. I love listening to theΒ mischievous character, they make the movie more interesting! Ask Zazzu & Scar in Lion 1 and Timon in Lion King 3 , you have to watch this for yourself. Like King Earl would say, that’s so very funny! View 3:20 – 5:20
  5. Red is my favourite color at the moment, it pops and I pop with it! I have stayed long in this season but inbetween I do Black, Orange, Yellow, Green, I hear Purple looks good on me but I love RED!
  6. I love me some good Soul songs, Gospel, Blues, Soft Rock, Jazz and my African beads any day over gold.20150420_194732 20150420_194829
  7. I’m emotional, love deeply, and when hurt, I run…I make good comedy with King and give him some lines, but would never dream of doing that in public.

My nominees are

All those who love to share what we don’t know about, like:

  1. Lucille I always pick on her πŸ™‚
  2. I-read
  3. In my purple reverie
  4. Seasonedsistah2
  5. Colleen

Sorry I couldn’t think up more and just so you know, I love family sooooooo much!

Lion King video courtesy

Β© 2015. imanikingblog. All rights reserved.


Hearts As One Drum Beat Award


I had earlier in my previous post yesterday mentioned that I will attempt to respond to my outstanding awards. Apart from being thoughtful to be nominated, the person nominating me just made the award so beautiful to have.

Hello again Seasonedsistah2 πŸ™‚

The simple ways in which you say deep truths, the fun ways in which you fight illness and overcome your fear of cancer and pain with humour endears me to you all the more. You are one of the few persons whose blog I easily show off and everyone I show it to, falls in love with it. I guess it must be something innate in you that flows across oceans and the web exuding love and care. The same you show in your words in praise to your grandchildren or gratitude to your hubby for helping you with something.

The rules for passing this award along is for the recipient –

β€œWithin their posts whether it be through Poem or WordΒ caring for others is a must for this award. Β Be through laughter or humor, photograph or story, love and compassion are mandatory.”

The people I have nominated meet these criteria, you be the judge by checking out their sites.

luciledegodoy …when I decided to start using my own pictures for my quotes etc. I mentioned it in passing to Lucile and in minutes she had sent me a couple of pictures, with an offer to use any one I wanted but (of course) give credit to her. She is beyond thoughtful.

Folakemi …my darling friend will not appreciate me giving her the ‘stress’ of this award but I just had to let her know that I appreciate what she’s doing, her humour (which she denies having), the way she deals with current and past issues giving human face to them.

Caroline …who makes living each day beautiful with her gratitude attitude. Even if it just acknowledge someone or rescuing a cat! You gotta love this woman and she’s published by the way.

I’ll stop at three persons, so I’m two persons short that may want to lynch me for giving them this award and taking their time to do it! LOL…Oh, my goodness, that’s so very funny (in my son’s voice)

Β© 2015. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.


The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


My friend Lucile from nominated me for this award in December 2014 (covering my face at this point but smiling). I’m sure she’s been wondering why I didn’t say anything about it, probably because she sent it at a point I was trying to decide how to handle the intrigues that come with the Christmas season, and the decisions I had to make at that period. If you do stop by her blog, you won’t need prodding from me to follow her, as it is a delight to the eyes. Funny I met her through an article, before I discovered there was more to her and boy, she loves her pictures, travel and time out with her family.


  • Provide the link to the person who nominated you.
  • Add the reward logo.
  • Answer the questions your nominator has asked.
  • Nominate 5 other bloggers and let them know via comments.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions.

Lucile’s Questions for me:

  • 1. What do you like or dislike about this time of the year?

Now I’m not sure what time of the year to answer for, and since you put it up in Christmas and I’m answering in the new year, I’ll do both. I like (actually) love the Christmas Season for what it represents to me as a woman of faith and more importantly, I get to have quality family time away from internet, too many phone calls (that’s why I didn’t reply you them). I dislike the crowd-syndrome everywhere, some people are just NOT NICE! I love the New Year because it is an opportunity.

  • 2. Do you know how to cook and can you share a typical and delicious recipe from your country?

I can cook…very well and I happen to come from the part of Nigeria where their ladies are really good cooks and home-makers. Winking away. I found a site that not only explains the process of making *Ekpang Nkwukwo which my tribe is well-known for, but added pictures you can check it out and when you come visiting, I’ll make it for you!

  • 3. What is old/aging for you?

I’m not sure I understand this question, so I will throw it back to you

  • 4. Did you knowΒ any of these nominated bloggers, and if not, would you check their blogs now?

No I don’t but since they are interesting to you, I’ll check them out. I can see your love of pictures replaying in some of your choices. * I did check the sites out ❀

  • 5. Are you mad at me because I nominated you for this award and you have extra work to do now?

No, not mad at you because you are about to get an award from me. LOL!

I nominate the following for the different things they represent:

Humour, Simplicity, Fun, Living/Loving and Diversity. Please check their sites out

My questions to them:

  • Who or what easily puts a smile on your face and why.
  • If you could change the world, in one sentence how would you achieve that?
  • What’s your favourite colour and why?
  • Would you tell your friend/family the truth if you knew it would hurt them?
  • Like Lucile asked me, Are you mad at me because I nominated you for this award and you have extra work to do now?

The art of making Ekpang Nkwukwo was from

Β© 2015. Imanikingblog. All rights reserved.


One Lovely Blog Award


I’m not sure where to start from but it was a pleasant surprise to be nominated by Colleen (whom I only just met by the way) but she says she loves my blog, so I guess my dream reader must do too!

About me? It is somewhere in my blog but I’ll tell you a bit. My name is Frances and my native name sounds just as sweet “IMAN”, and no I’m not from Ethopia but Nigeria. My “Iman” means “Ally” that should tell you more about the kind of person I am. I love talking with children, writing poetry and having engaging discussions. I AM A GOD LOVER & CHASER! I totally love family and love LOVE. Red is my favourite color …sometimes its Green, Black, Purple, Brown or Orange. But for now RED loves me back. I can see you want to know more, check me out at imanikingblog

Dearest Colleen broke the rules and said it was okay to break ’em too. LOL. But here are the rules if you still want to follow which I got from thecraftyladyincombatboots thank you πŸ™‚

The condition for receiving the award involves nominating my favorite bloggers and giving seven facts about myself. It is so much work, little wonder Colleen said to leave it alone.

Nomination Rules:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you
  2. List the rules and display the award
  3. Include seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate around 15 other bloggers and let them know about the award. ( I doubt I’ll follow some of the rules but this is for you my nominees)
  5. Follow the blogger who nominated you (if not already!)

I wish to nominate the following for the Lovely Blog Award









I guess I’m done. Phew!!!