
The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


My friend Lucile from nominated me for this award in December 2014 (covering my face at this point but smiling). I’m sure she’s been wondering why I didn’t say anything about it, probably because she sent it at a point I was trying to decide how to handle the intrigues that come with the Christmas season, and the decisions I had to make at that period. If you do stop by her blog, you won’t need prodding from me to follow her, as it is a delight to the eyes. Funny I met her through an article, before I discovered there was more to her and boy, she loves her pictures, travel and time out with her family.


  • Provide the link to the person who nominated you.
  • Add the reward logo.
  • Answer the questions your nominator has asked.
  • Nominate 5 other bloggers and let them know via comments.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions.

Lucile’s Questions for me:

  • 1. What do you like or dislike about this time of the year?

Now I’m not sure what time of the year to answer for, and since you put it up in Christmas and I’m answering in the new year, I’ll do both. I like (actually) love the Christmas Season for what it represents to me as a woman of faith and more importantly, I get to have quality family time away from internet, too many phone calls (that’s why I didn’t reply you them). I dislike the crowd-syndrome everywhere, some people are just NOT NICE! I love the New Year because it is an opportunity.

  • 2. Do you know how to cook and can you share a typical and delicious recipe from your country?

I can cook…very well and I happen to come from the part of Nigeria where their ladies are really good cooks and home-makers. Winking away. I found a site that not only explains the process of making *Ekpang Nkwukwo which my tribe is well-known for, but added pictures you can check it out and when you come visiting, I’ll make it for you!

  • 3. What is old/aging for you?

I’m not sure I understand this question, so I will throw it back to you

  • 4. Did you know any of these nominated bloggers, and if not, would you check their blogs now?

No I don’t but since they are interesting to you, I’ll check them out. I can see your love of pictures replaying in some of your choices. * I did check the sites out ❤

  • 5. Are you mad at me because I nominated you for this award and you have extra work to do now?

No, not mad at you because you are about to get an award from me. LOL!

I nominate the following for the different things they represent:

Humour, Simplicity, Fun, Living/Loving and Diversity. Please check their sites out

My questions to them:

  • Who or what easily puts a smile on your face and why.
  • If you could change the world, in one sentence how would you achieve that?
  • What’s your favourite colour and why?
  • Would you tell your friend/family the truth if you knew it would hurt them?
  • Like Lucile asked me, Are you mad at me because I nominated you for this award and you have extra work to do now?

The art of making Ekpang Nkwukwo was from

© 2015. Imanikingblog. All rights reserved.


Happy Christmas – the Eket way!

Writing 101, Day Ten: Happy Christmas!
Tell us about your favorite childhood meal — the one that was always a treat, that meant “celebration,” or that comforted you and has deep roots in your memory.
Feel free to focus on any aspect of the meal, from the food you ate to the people who were there to the event it marked.
Today’s twist: Tell the story in your own distinct voice.

I’m excited just remembering what Christmas meant to us. You are right to request that I talk about my childhood experience as Christmas is no longer what it used to be. No one goes to the village so much like then.

In the 70s, 80s and mid-90s whenever it was December, I always looked forward to the holiday as that meant new clothes and shoes, fancy hats and hair do, plenty of gifts, visits to cousins (you hadn’t seen in a long while), masquerade displays and of course Food! Food!! Food!!! Correct Rice and Stew plus Ekpang Nkukwo and Afang soup with foo foo. Yummy! 🙂

Rice & Stew
Rice & Stew
Ekpang Nkukwo
Ekpang Nkukwo
Afang Soup
Afang Soup

We didn’t care much about weight gain when it came to the food or decorum when it got to the point of being chased by a Masquerade. You had better run or else you would either be beaten with their whip or harassed/detained, while they sang some silly songs and expect you to bail yourself out by dropping some coins in their bowl.

It all starts with plenty packing and re-packing to be sure you had your favourite clothes in the box and then a really long journey from Port-Harcourt to Eket. Back then daddy would drive very slowly (with plenty respect for other road users) and being a Safety-conscious person we always arrived the village in the night…no matter when we left the city. But always in time to meet the evening Carol service in church and old friends too.

Christmas Day itself began a bit too early as we had to cook different dishes (the ones mentioned above and more) and prepare for the influx of persons that would come to visit their family members that had come in from the City. Of course when on such visits, they didn’t expect to go back hungry or empty-handed. Food and money had to exchange hands. Christmas back then was a time to spend and spend and return broke. Now people are wiser…giving only to the point where they can afford.

After the first batch of early morning visitors, we would go for Church Service and return to hot steaming plates of Rice and Stew…with intimidating chicken on it. You had other options to add to your consumption or choose from, but we only ate a dish because we had other plans and that included visiting. Hmmm…there were soft drinks to go round too for the children; while the grown-ups drank alcohol and some palmy or Palm Wine (some local drink from the Palm tree usually whitish).During this period, there wasn’t a home you visited that didn’t have food to offer you and the beauty of Christmas was in your ability to eat almost everywhere you went and still have space in your stomach for the next Auntie’s house!

The Masquerades usually don’t show up on December 25th but on the 26th so we are already aware and prepared to either avoid their paths, stay indoors and watch from our veranda or brave up and face any ‘consequence’ we met on our way out. An easy route of escape was going out with a male cousin who resides in the village. They normally would know who was behind the mask and stand in to prevent you from being ‘flogged’ or harassed.

A group of Masquerades
A group of Masquerades

Beyond the food and Masquerade was the feeling of togetherness and warmth this season brought and that was a high point too…and a childhood I sometimes miss!