Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thought_111114
Photo Credit:
Project Laughter

The Beautiful Ones Are Born

An unnamed beauty
An unnamed beauty

As he sat with Earl aged 3, my hubby flipped through his phone checking out peoples’ updates. He came across this beautiful picture above and flipped on. Earl flipped it back to the pix and the following conversation took place.

Earl: Daddy, can I hug her?

Daddy (takes the phone close to Earl’s heart and says): Booom

Earl (with exasperation): But I can’t hug her through the phone! Bring her out.

King watched with shock at his reasoning and before he could say anything, Earl continues.

Earl: Daddy, can I marry her?

Daddy (LOL): What do you know about marriage?

Earl replies with conviction, “She’s so beautiful” and repeats again “She’s so beautiful”.

Next day, King is on his way to pick my mum from the airport and informs Earl. And Earl asks him if he would bring the dark girl home with him.

So here’s my take on the matter, I have decided to put up her picture and request that the parents of the above unnamed beauty kindly contact me as a matter of urgency, as the person who had this picture as her DP doesn’t even know her! If you were me, what would you do, if your 3 year old asked you for permission to marry a fine girl?

Lyrical Mondays

Lyrical Monday on a Tuesday

I missed giving my lyrics on Monday. But I can still do that today…I know it’s not Freedom Friday but I think I reserve that right to add to your lovely day. Enjoy!

Me 2 U
Musical note symbol:
Photo 101

Photography 101 – Connect


I like this theme… all the interpretation running through my mind is out of this world. But for the sake of sanity wink I’ll stick to normal ones…LOL

I see Connect or Connection all around me. Like the knowing arms of a father that guides his children in the right path, away from harm’s way – they connect.

Family outing
Family outing at Ibom Le’ Meridian

On the Ikoyi bridge, this structure seems to arise as you drive along, connecting one side of the bridge to the other…it is basically for aesthetics and sure lightens up when it’s Christmas.

The Ikoyi Bridge, Lagos
The Ikoyi Bridge, Lagos

Each strand of noodle connects to the other. And even when it is broken and cooked, it is difficult picking one up without another tagging along. I ❤ this connection

A plate of yummy noodles *wink*
A plate of yummy noodles *wink*

Beyond the hug that is obvious, we are connected by love, blood and God. The green white green dots on our faces show our love for our country which further connects us as one.

From one to another - a hug
From one sister to another – a hug
Photo 101

Photography 101 – Solitude

Solitude can be interpreted positively or negatively.

Whenever Jesus wanted to effect a change or ask for strength, He went alone to a solitary place to pray…meaning it could be a time of prayer so as to focus.

Some people enjoy a period of solitude when they are angry or just want to be left alone.

Whatever you choose…

Solitude can be beautiful like this Rock – something solid and grey, surrounded by lush and green, leaves and flowers. They move and sway to the music in the wind, yet alone he stands immovable, desiring, but cannot have.So he stands alone – different, unique and one of a kind!

Solitude - Alone, unique and one of a kind
Solitude – Alone, unique and one of a kind
Photo 101

Photography 101 – Bliss

I thought of taking a pix now of my baby sleeping and he sure looks good when he’s asleep but couldn’t make up my mind. so I decided to post pictures I had taken before now that mean bliss to me…what do you think?

Adorable asleep or awake!
Adorable asleep or awake!
Sleeping and smiling at a week plus
Sleeping and smiling at a week plus
Imani and Rainbow Pony enjoying a moment
Imani and Rainbow Pony enjoying a moment
A place to find peace and safety from heat
A place to find peace and safety from heat

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was on the 8th of November and I was thus inspired to say thank you for sharing these years with me.

On the 8th
On the 8th…going out
The Kings and I
The Kings and I
Birthday cake
Happy birthday to me

Life they say begins at 40 but mine had started years before now

Or how else do I explain the many goodness God has shown

How He has blessed me with a Heritage wise beyond their ages

And a King who reigns in his domain with ease and many graces

A family beyond birth and blood who love me with their lives

Whilst surrounding me with prayers on which I thrive

Friends that love me even when oceans try to separate

Yet at even occasion remind me of how we celebrate

So when I say mine had begun before now

Believe it and don’t ask how?

Rather tap into the Joys of knowing and having God

For with Him it is always good.

Otibhor and I – 10112014

Happy birthday to me as I celebrate everyone who shares this day and month with me.

Pouting and smiling :)
Pouting and smiling 🙂
Imani and Iman
Imani and Iman
King Earl and Iman
King Earl and Iman


© 2014. Frances Kelvin Otung. All rights reserved.